These participants are in the final

These participants are in the final

Image: TV2

After the intense voting in the semi-finals, three participants now remain and will fight for the victory of the reality concept next weekend.

In the battle for the final place, five participants remained: Martha Livstad (30), Lene Andersen (50), Vidar Magnussen (46), Viktoria Skau (25) and Annette Hof (62).

The latter two were forced to leave the villa in Nisvia on Sunday.

Skaw, who was part of the well-established “Upstairs Gang”, was voted out by his own people.

Levenstad and Andersen said before the elimination that they would vote for Skau.

– It was very painful, but at the same time it was very expected. They were a duo in the same way that Danby and I were, so if someone in our trio was going to quit, I knew it would be me,” says Skaw.

She says the three are good friends today.

-We went out a lot and talked about everything maybe 150 times. That's what's so nice – the two of them in particular were very understanding that this was a game, so there was a good atmosphere afterwards.

Sunday's episode was the semi-final of “The Game,” and the winner will be chosen at the end of next week.

– How do you feel as you approach the finish line?

– Of course bitter. It's so weird seeing it all again today as I see all the moves I should have done differently. At the same time, I'm very proud of making it to the semi-finals in the Social Survival game. The whole “game” was a very personal victory for me.

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She says she wasn't the strongest socially growing up, so many situations within the villa affected her greatly.

-I came out of it as a better version of myself, so winning wasn't that important to me.

She revealed that she still hopes Line Andersen will win, despite the fact that Andersen voted for her.

-She is very smart and very loyal to her team. Although it was painful to be sent home by those close to you, I wish her and Martha victory.

Image: TV2

Annette Huff lost her allies last week and was left alone from the “Basement Team.” This week she had to pack her bags.

– I was very prepared for it, so it went well, Hof tells VG.

After this week's competition, she gained control of the immunity card and chose to give it to Magnussen.

-Anyway, I shouldn't have given it to those girls, Hof said in the episode and indicated that it was time for the trio to break up.

Throughout the season, she refused to make unethical choices, telling VG that she was shocked that she was allowed to stay for so long.

“Maybe I became a bit harmless and maybe there were others who wanted to get out before me,” she told VG.

Hov told VG that she's happy because when she first joined a reality show, she was happy because it had become so popular.

-I don't regret joining.

She was second on top Channel 2 poll About who people root for in the “game” before the episode. At the top is Vidar Magnussen.

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When asked what she thought about the matter, Huff praised her co-star.

-I think it was fun to follow him imaginatively, he's a great comedian and “does his best.” So I think the fact that people support him is very understandable.

A week later there will be the finale of “The Game,” and as the cube said in the teaser for the next episode:

– Whoever is eliminated last wins “the game.”

These participants in the final “The Game”:

  • Line Andersen
  • Martha Levstad
  • Vidar Magnussen

This is what we know about the second season of “the game»:

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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