These two smoked from The Voice before the semi-finals

These two smoked from The Voice before the semi-finals

Friday night, the stage is set for another broadcast of The Voice live from Nydalen in Oslo. The eight remaining participants arrived again from the top shelf, attempting to sing their way to a spot in next week’s semi-finals.

Each of the participants managed to touch something on both the mentors and the audience with their performance. Even Ina Wroldsen (37) shed tears during tonight’s broadcast.

The hopeful participants who were on stage tonight were Tara Bloch Wehr (31), Andre Askeland Hagen (21), Oyvind Weisth (28), Madeleine Tiffberg (23), Niklas Young Hansen (29), Jürgen Dal Moe (25), Sebastian Christensen (54) and Kirsty Lucina (35).

When TV2 met Youssef Ould Meryem, 43, just before tonight’s broadcast, he said he looked forward to seeing two of the remaining participants Madeleine Toffberg and Sebastian Christensen, as well as the other participants.

– I’m really looking forward to it, and I think this will be very good. Both are incredibly good, he says and smiles widely.

Now, on the other hand, the power lies in the viewers, not the mentors. Both mentors left participants before it became clear which of them had to leave the singing competition – Oyvind Weisth (28) and Sebastian Christensen (54).

Record ready

When TV2 asked Weiseth what it would be like if I came home today, he admitted that smoking before the semi-finals was boring, and that he really wanted to keep going.

However, he has shared good news from the stage that he wants to release his own album – as soon as possible.

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Registration has ended. As soon as I’m allowed to release a song, there will be music – everything is ready.

Outside: Øyvind Weiseth and Sebastian Christensen smoke before The Voice semi-finals.  Photo: Robert Dreyer Holland

Outside: Øyvind Weiseth and Sebastian Christensen smoke before The Voice semi-finals. Photo: Robert Dreyer Holland

Ahead of his performance tonight, coach Espen Lind, 51, praised him for being one of this year’s entrants who showed the greatest breadth during this year’s season. When asked by TV 2 what we can expect from the album, he answered this:

– It would be a mixture of Odd Nordstoga and Eva Weel Skram – with a little “spray” from three little Chinese there.

On the other hand, Christens did not take the farewell seriously, and he is grateful for the time he got on The Voice.

– It’s in a surreal way, at the same time that I feel like I’ve done what I need to do in my life right now. That’s when it starts, so I’m very happy with that, he told TV 2.

Christensen is one of the participants who shared his powerful story on the show. Born in the wrong body. He’s received a lot of comments about this, and he’s opened up to people from all over the country telling their own stories to the 54-year-old.

– There is a lot of loneliness out there, and there are a lot of people carrying alone. There are a lot of facades in the community and loneliness inside. So the fact that people share their stories with me is a privilege for me, and it’s kind of humble to her and she takes them very seriously, he says candidly.

Here you can see all the performances from The Tonight Show:

Tara Blush Fair (31) From the Matoma team he sang “River” by Archbishop Briggs. Guide Matuma, 30, praised her for truly being a rock star, something she demonstrated with a powerful and flaming voice on stage.

– Is it possible to mill over this here? That’s not all! The guide brags and says how proud he is that he came out of her shell more and found a new self-confidence.

Andre Skeland Hagen (21) From the team Ina sang “If Only as a Ghost” by Jonas of Alaska, which reminded him of family – the closest in his life. He gave another heart-warming performance, and mentor Wroldsen praised the draw participant.

– to see that four days have passed, and then you plug in at a point I think “well, he has that”. You, my friend, have come far – I’m so proud. You’re one of the most special I’ve heard in a long time, she said.

Matuma also bragged about his performance, before Hagen himself admitted that he felt tears welling up at the end of his performance.

Øyvind Weiseth (28) ESPN sang “Riv I Hjertet” by famous Norwegian artist Sondre Justad. This time around, the 28-year-old wanted to show a slightly more “rocky” side of himself, and brought a guitar on stage.

Mentor ESPN praised him for being one of this year’s entrants who showed the greatest breadth during the season, and he was proud to have once again demonstrated a new side of his talent.

– I’m a fan. The guide said and smiled.

Madeline Tverberg (23) From the band Joseph sang “Better Than This” by Paloma Faith. She says this song means a lot to her, as she believes the message is that life gets better if you look forward and work for it.

The goal is for them to sit at home with their own perception of the song, as I did when I heard it, says the 23-year-old.

With two violinists on stage, she sang the soothing song in a familiar style, with a powerful and beautiful voice.

– You look great, and so did you, you bragged about your teacher and the son of Mary.

– You are a very good singer. And this is a song where you can really show what you’re good at. Her former mentor Espen Lind (51) said: “I buy the story you’re reporting here.

Niklas Jung Hansen (29) From the ESPN team he sang “The Book of Love” by Peter Gabriel. Playing guitar himself, Hansen had the help of two violinists and one guitarist when impressed by a beautiful performance.

The 29-year-old received a warm welcome from all the mentors and audience in the hall.

– Niklas, you are a star. The mentor bragged that you don’t have to be the one to hit your chest when you enter a room, but I see that you take up more space and gain more self-confidence.

– Your world-class Niklas connections. You were so well dressed, I almost got nostalgic when I watched the love movies in Filisa’s basement, I said Matoma weeping and laughing.

Jürgen Dahl Moe (25) From team Ina she sang “Swim Good” by Frank Ocean. This was a new trend from what 25 year old viewers and directors had seen before, and he wanted to show a new side of himself.

– He said about choosing a song I want to do it my way, but also do it right.

Mentor Ina Wroldsen was clearly impressed with the participant’s performance, something she showed both during and after the show. She, the other mentors, and the entire hall got up after Jürgen’s performance.

– I’m rarely speechless, but here it is! It was a show, I’m totally speechless. She said it’s not a word I throw out often – I’m still standing.

– Like Harry Styles and Sam Smith, they have a baby, and they’ve moved on to Indibo! The 37-year-old went on to say he was very good.

Wolde-Mariam was very impressed, and also compared Jørgen to world star Harry Styles.

Sebastian Christensen (54) From the team Joseph sang “It Begins To Become A Life” by Ole Paus. This is again a personal choice of the song for the participant who previously shared it His powerful story of being born in the wrong body.

“For me, this song is about being loved for who I am,” the 54-year-old said.

– Weakness is not dangerous. He added that there is strength in weakness.

Once again, Sebastian managed to deliver a strong and emotional performance that impressed the mentors.

I salute Sebastian for his courage first and foremost. You stand in it and you are what you are. Congratulations, said the proud Wolde-Mariam.

– You are very strong, and you are the one who touches me the most. I try never to cry, but there is something about you. You are my storyteller, and she is just beautiful, said Roldsen tearfully to Sebastian.

Kirsty Lucina (35) From the Matoma team he sang “Juice” by Lizzo, and gave an amazing show with both impressive singing and dancing. The background to the song selection was more personal.

– I’m not the special person with the biggest self-image in the world and I’ve always had comments about my looks and my body, she honestly shares them.

That’s why she chose the song Lizzo, which is about accepting yourself as you are — and giving more damn. She brought six colorful dancers and a home throne with her for the occasion.

Guide Matuma was very impressed, smiled throughout the performance – and joined the dance afterwards

– That was a pig’s hat! What happened here?! It was completely raw. You are a different class, I don’t understand where you are getting the last percentages from, the guide bragged and said she found the confidence they worked to bring out.

You watch The Voice on Friday at 20 on TV 2 and TV 2 play. You can also Watch all previous programs on TV 2 Play.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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