They drank while I mourned my mother

They drank while I mourned my mother

– My heart will never be the same. never.

Alejandra Godoy lays her hand on one of the many red hearts painted on the Memorial Wall at Westminster Bridge.

“Orita Godoy 10/05/2020” written on the heart.

More than 150,000 red hearts have been painted at the National Covid Memorial in London. One for everyone who has corona on their death certificate.

One of many more: Orita Godoy is one of more than 150,000 deaths due to corona in the UK.  Photo: private.

One of many more: Orita Godoy is one of more than 150,000 deaths due to corona in the UK. Photo: private.

– I miss her. Every day, Alejandra tells TV 2.

I had to say goodbye

The mother was admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital, located just behind the memorial wall, on April 14, 2020, with a high temperature and breathing problems. The next day, I fell into an artificial coma.

– Because of the strict rules that were in place at the time, we could not visit her in the hospital, says Alejandra.

She finds it hard to believe that her mother was left alone in the hospital for so long without the family being able to be there.

– I don’t know if she’s afraid. My mother was a tough lady, but I don’t know if she needed a family by her side, she sighs.

On the morning of May 10, the hospital summoned her; Her mother’s condition worsened, she had only hours left. Alejandra was allowed in to say goodbye.

Farewell: here Alejandra bids farewell to her mother on May 10, 2020. Photo: Private

Farewell: here Alejandra bids farewell to her mother on May 10, 2020. Photo: Private

– I knew her again, she was my mother. But it was hard to see her connected to a ventilator.

– I was somewhat lucky to see her, because not many were allowed to come to the hospital to say goodbye at that time. But I still don’t feel so lucky, because when you see something so exciting, it’s with you for your whole life, says Alejandra.

They drank while we mourned

The mother’s body was cremated on May 20, 2020. Due to strict coronavirus restrictions, it happened without the family being present.

History has become a symbol of the scandal known as “Partygate”.

This was the date of the famous Downing Street garden party, where people were asked to “bring your own liquor”. Boris Johnson admitted it was there, but claimed that he thought it was a functional event.

Furthermore: Alejandra Godoy believes Boris Johnson should resign as prime minister after revealing parties in Downing Street when the country was in lockdown.  Photo: Tom Rune Orset/TV 2

Furthermore: Alejandra Godoy believes Boris Johnson should resign as prime minister after revealing parties in Downing Street when the country was in lockdown. Photo: Tom Rune Orset/TV 2

– We were not allowed to press. These people sat there and drank while I mourned for my mother, says Alejandra, annoyed.

My mother’s body was cremated without her loved ones present. How fair is this? We followed the rules while they had their own rules.

She has no doubts about what Boris Johnson should do now:

– He should come down. get off. Alejandra says he should never have been prime minister.

under pressure

Godoy isn’t the only one who thinks Johnson should resign. Pressure is mounting on the prime minister among the opposition and within his conservative party.

According to British media, a growing number of Conservative MPs in the House of Commons want a vote of no confidence.

Under pressure: Boris Johnson is under pressure after the party scandal rocking him and his staff.  Photo: Ian Vogler

Under pressure: Boris Johnson is under pressure after the party scandal rocking him and his staff. Photo: Ian Vogler

Question time on Wednesday in the House of Commons was marked by drama, with former Conservative Brexit Secretary David Davis asking Johnson to resign.

He said: “For God’s sake, come down.”

An internal investigation into the party scandal is expected to be ready this week or the next.

The official inquiry is being led by Sue Gray, and several MPs are now urging their party colleagues to wait for this report before making a decision on whether or not to trust.

– Shame

Johnson’s apology doesn’t mean much to Alejandra Godoy. For her, there is nothing Johnson can say or do that would justify what happened.

– I really hate him. He only cares about power, nothing else. My mom always said you shouldn’t hate anyone, but I do.

– He’s a shameful prime minister.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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