– They will do what they did in Potzga, in all of Ukraine – VG

– They will do what they did in Potzga, in all of Ukraine – VG
Massive devastation: VG arrived in Potsja four days after the Russians withdrew from the city and witnessed massive devastation.

In a recent column, a strategist close to Putin called for anyone who supports what he believes to be a Nazi regime in Ukraine to be “punished”, including civilians. The President of Ukraine believes that the article can be used as evidence in a criminal case related to Russian war crimes.


What should Russia do with Ukraine? It is the name of the article written by political strategist Timofey Sergetsev and published on Monday by the Putin-controlled news agency, RIA Novosti.

In the article, he made a number of undocumented claims that Russia has repeated many times, including that the Ukrainian government is made up of Nazis.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky He himself is a Jew and he told how His grandparents were killed when the Nazis were killed They burned their village during World War II.

The President also referred to Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s baseless claims that Ukraine is ruled by the Nazis, directly dangerous.

Just before Russia’s aggressive war on Ukraine, Putin said he wanted to “de-Nazify” Ukraine as a pretext for sending Russian troops into the country.

Mass grave: A soldier monitors a mass grave in Botsja, where several hundred civilians will be buried.

You will “punish” those who support the authorities

And now columnist Sergetsev writes That the so-called de-Nazification applies not only to the elite and political authorities, but to all those who contributed to giving power to the current Ukrainian authorities, that is, the people.

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Sergetsev, who does not provide any evidence for his allegations, believes that it is likely that the majority of the population of Ukraine was drawn into the policies of the Nazi regime.

-The Nazi bloc of the population could not technically be punished directly as war criminals, he wrote, but continues shortly thereafter:

– In addition to the summit, a large part of the masses, the passive Nazis, are also guilty. They supported and devoted themselves to the power of the Nazis.

To them he suggests war as punishment:

“The just punishment for this part of the population,” he wrote, “is that they must suffer the inevitable hardships that follow a just war against the Nazi regime.”

Her missing husband: Tanya Nidashkevska (57 years old) mourns for her husband who was murdered in Potsja.

It will also remove the name of Ukraine

The grim background of the article are photos of, among other things, supposedly tied civilians to the back killed in the Kiev suburb of Potzga.

But this punishment is not enough for Sergey Steve, because the Russian strategist believes that the so-called demographic share must also be “de-Nazified” by:

– Retraining achieved through ideological suppression of Nazi positions and strict censorship, not only in the political sphere, but is also necessary in the sector of culture and education.

According to Sergey Steve, “De-Nazification will inevitably also be decriminalization” as well as “Deterministic Europeanism”.

He further wrote that “the name of Ukraine apparently cannot exist as the title of a completely de-Nazified state”, thus arguing that the state of Ukraine itself must be removed in order for Russia to succeed in its alleged de-Nazification of the country.

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Everything is destroyed: a lone dog wanders among the destroyed houses and military equipment in Botsja.

Zelensky: – Evidence before the court

Ukrainian President Zelensky commented on the article on Monday evening, according to Ukrainian Interfax.

It invokes the article’s evidence that must be submitted to the courts that will investigate alleged Russian war criminals.

– It’s not just a text. This is one piece of evidence for future prosecutions of Russian war crimes, Zelensky says.

In recent days, more and more heads of state, including Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, He argued that Russia was committing war crimes in Ukraine. The organization is the same Amnesty International recently accused Russia.

According to the Ukrainian president, “the facts describe a clear and calculated approach to destroying everything that makes Ukrainians Ukrainians Ukrainians.”

Powerful: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Potzga on Monday.

The chief also points out History “says that it is necessary to carry out “cranioplasty” and “European removal” and that the name of the country should be erased.

– Indeed, Zelensky says that the death of the majority of our people is only welcome.

Then the president confirms:

– I want you to understand me: they are not even trying to hide. They speak frankly about the purpose of the invasion of Ukrainian lands. If our army had not survived, if the people had not risen to defend the state, they would have done what they did in Potzga throughout the territory of Ukraine.

At least 340 people have been found dead in Botsja since Russia withdrew. Ukraine’s president says more than 300 civilians have been killed, according to the BBC. These numbers have not been independently confirmed. Zelensky says the numbers will certainly rise when the entire city is reviewed.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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