The World Athletics Championships are over, as the sunny Norwegian scenery Jakob Ingbrigtsen’s gold medal in the 5,000m on Monday night.
Experience the gold race in the video window at the top!
He also brought one with him Silver Medal from 1500mwhich he himself was not very happy with.
– He’s black. Totally dark, a frustrated Ingebrigitsen told TV 2.
However, he can come home from the USA with more than two medals in his bags. He also received large sums of financial awards for his achievements in Oregon, USA.
Extraordinary movement during the golden race: – Rarely seen
Accordingly Spanish newspaper It reads the prize money of $70,000 for individual gold and $35,000 for silver. Jakob Ingbrigtsen, with gold and silver, will get 105,000 US dollars.
In Norwegian currency, this corresponds to about 1.05 million Norwegian kroner in prize money.
This is an increase of more than 100,000 compared to what he received for the same medal he received during the water cycle in Qatar in 2019.
Evind Henriksen was the second Norwegian to win a medal, and with his Bronze Hammer he could collect a prize worth about NOK 220,000.
For Karsten Warholm, the World Cup was a disappointment, he only finished seventh in the final. It gives about 60,000 NOK.
Landing Tour: Carsten Warhold lost gold – and a ton of money as he finished seventh in the water. Photo: Steve Chambers
Swedish pole lifter Armand Duplantis won the gold medal, and it became very profitable. First place fetches $70,000 like Ingebrigtsen, but the world record he set is really lucrative.
Japanese electronics company TDK sponsors all those who set a new world record with $100,000 – the equivalent of about 1 million kroner. The Duplantis is thus 1.7 million NOK richest.
For Jakob Ingebrigtsen, the prize money will likely come in handy in the future. He and his fiancée Elizabeth Aserson He bought a house this spring for eight million crowns. Aserson said on social media that the couple will demolish and build a new home on the plot.
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