This is what rail transport looks like in the country råka no – NRK Norway – An overview of news from different parts of the country

This is what rail transport looks like in the country råka no – NRK Norway – An overview of news from different parts of the country

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Two railways are still closed after severe weather “Hans”, informs Lane no.

Dover Railway And Gjøvik line Both are closed to traffic.

On other rail lines, expect the train to take longer than usual. other things Sørlandsbanen There are points of slow driving due to extreme weather conditions. The same applies Bergen Railway.

By Eadswall Station Due to extreme weather there is only descent for trains to pass. There is no place to alight in other trains.

Dovrebanen, which connects Trondheim and Oslo, is closed between Dombås and Hunderfossen.

After extreme weather the “Hans” flume led to the destruction of the railway bridge at Ringepu.

The Roros line between Hamar and Trondheim is open, but can only clear some of the traffic normally on the Tovre route.

Additionally, the Jijović line between Oslo and Jijović is still closed.

An iron bridge collapsed in Rinkepu on Monday. More damage is still being repaired in Tovrebanen. The route is therefore closed between Lillehammer and Tompas.

– Press officer Olav Nordli at Ban Nor says it is too early to say how long it will take to restore the bridge link in Ringepu and how much it will cost.

We cannot inspect the damage to the bridge and foundations when the river level is still high.

Dovrebanen has soil on the railway tracks.

Soil above the railway tracks on Dovrebanen.

Photo: Jøte Toftaker

Transport Minister Jan-Iver Nygaard (AP) could not answer when the bridge could be reopened.

– I think it will take longer than we would like. He says this should be done completely.

He pointed out that this has implications for both passenger traffic and freight traffic.

Freight Transport: Pipeline railways are not dimensioned

Tovrepanen is the most important artery for freight traffic in the country.

The closure of Dovrebanen also affects train traffic continuing north to Bodø. This also has consequences for freight traffic on the Rauma line, as these are trains running between Oslo and Andalnes.

Freight transportation

Almost half of all goods transported between Oslo and Trondheim go by rail.

Photo: Halker Aunan / NRK

– About 50 percent of the goods transported between the Oslo area and Trøndelag are transported by rail, says Inger Piet Howie, research manager at the Transport Economics Institute (TØI).

Ban Nor says it plans to run eight container trains and one to two timber trains in each direction at Tovrebanan.

– The Roros line has no electric operation and has worse crossing possibilities than the Dovre line. Ban Noril Nordli says there is fundamentally no room for a complete shift of freight from Towrebanen.

Hovi at TØI says the closure of Dovrebanen will result in costs for rail freight operators and buyers of rail transport services.

– In addition, there is a socio-economic cost. This is a cost the carrier imposes on society.

There may be accident costs, noise-related costs and queue-related costs.

Railway Bridge-Collapsed Ring Arch

It will take a long time for the Ringerike railway bridge to be restored.

Photo: Lars Skjeggestad Kleven / NRK

There may also be costs associated with wear and tear on infrastructure. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration indicates that due to the closure of Tovrepanen, there will be more traffic on the green roads.

– The Swedish Road Administration has recommended that heavy traffic take national road 3, Østerdalen, instead of the E6. This is due to the damage caused by “Hans” on the European road, says Lars Olve Hesjedal at SVV.

Passenger Transport: Bus by Train

SJ Noreg still operates trains between Oslo S and Lillehammer. There are buses and trains between Lillehammer and Trondheim.

All passenger trains will run as usual on Rauma Railway from today. On Rørosbanen, an additional train departs directly between Trondheim and Oslo.

Vy also says that buses for trains between Lillehammer and Dombås operate on this route with two departures per day.

Dovrebanen between Moelv and Brumunddal is closed due to a landslide

Bus by train. Picture from April this year when Dovrebanen was closed due to a landslide.

Photo: Lars Erik Schrefsrud / NRK

Howie at TØI believes getting goods by rail is the most important priority.

– Passengers should accept the presence of buses for trains on certain parts of the route. Rail transport is generally more environmentally friendly than truck transport, even if the train runs on diesel, he says.

Gjøvikbanen is closed to traffic. First, the section was closed due to scheduled work. Due to the inclement weather, many places were damaged.

– Among other things, I have a big job with flume wounds at Jaren Station. In addition, I had to postpone even more scheduled work. So the deadline has been extended to August 25, says Ban Noril Nordli.

Erik with work Gjøvikbanen

Gjøvik works on the railway. The film was shot in July this year.

Photo: Erik André Bjerke / NRK

i.e. bus to train for passenger transport on the entire stretch between Oslo S and Gjøvik.

Freight usually runs on the lower part of the Gjøvik line and Bergen should go via Oslo and Tramen instead of the Roa-Hønefoss line.

When extreme weather conditions are at their worst, Bergenspanen, Rorospanen, Tovrepanen, Gardermopanen, Houtpanen and Kongsvingerpanen are closed.

Bane director Eivind Bjurstrøm says “Hans” is an important reminder to Bane as they now look at what they can expect in the future.

– There are many indications that we will face frequent and great embarrassments in the future. “It’s something to think about as we roll out our strategies,” he says.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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