This sounds annoying – ITavisen

This sounds annoying – ITavisen

The launch of macOS Sequoia next month will improve security and privacy, but it will be painful for those who use Zoom, Slack, or Discord.

Frameworks that many people use daily – compared to Windows “UAC”

But Apple may have gone a step further this time, as the operating system will ask regular permissions to use screen recording and screen sharing features. The functionality has been confirmed in beta versions, and there’s no indication that it will be possible to permanently approve apps that want permissions.

The developers have confirmed this, but Apple has yet to comment and may change its mind during the beta period. However, this is unlikely to happen anytime soon as developers have been given the instructions they were given. Updates will be made weekly and the first time an app that requires such permissions is opened.

“The change even applies to apps that use ScreenCaptureKit, a new framework introduced with macOS 12 that aims to improve the screen recording capabilities of third-party apps,” 9To5Mac reports.

There is also a change regarding launching applications that do not come from the App Store:

“In macOS Sequoia, users will no longer be able to verify and click to bypass Gatekeeper when opening software that has not been properly signed or authenticated. They should go to System Preferences > Privacy & Security to review the software’s security information before allowing it to run.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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