The day his cousin was released from Bergen National Prison, he felt relative freedom.
– As an innocent person, I should have been allowed full freedom. The only place I saw Completeness Freedom, unfortunately, is outside of Norway.
This is what a relative said in an interview with TV2 in 2010.
Let’s watch the interview: Relative in an interview with TV2 in 2010.
On the night of May 6, 1995, 17-year-old Birkitte Dengs died Karmayil was attacked near his home, raped and killed. The investigation into the murder has been widely criticized. One of the things that misled investigators was the hair on the dead woman’s hands.
The discovery led police to hunt down someone with long blonde hair. It was later revealed that the hair belonged to Deng.
Eventually, police ordered an investigation into the 17-year-old relative who died.
He admitted to the murder, but after he was isolated, he received harsh criticism for using pressure and interrogation methods. The relative withdrew the confession, but he is still guilty in district court.
Released, but …
In the Court of Appeal, the relative was acquitted, but sentenced to pay compensation. The world collapsed for the young man when he learned that the judges had used the opportunity to award compensation despite his release.
To this day, the relative’s attorney in the Court of Appeals, Attorney Sigurd Clomsat, believes that Judge Steiner Trovak behaved like a lawyer in the guise of a judge. Trovic did not respond to TV2’s inquiries.
Sigurd Clomsot and Eric Nadeem defended their cousin in the appeal case. Photo: Alf of Hansen / NTP
The relative did not feel one hundred percent clean even though he was released because the claim for compensation hung over him. There are also divided opinions About who is to blame on Karmi.
After his release, his cousin went to study in Bergen, but he was not allowed to rest there. According to attorney Arvid Sjodin, who represented him in the district court, the young man experienced being stigmatized.
Relative father:
– The final sentence is not set before it happens
Got a job in Norway – lost it
So the solution is to leave Norway.
– He first traveled to France, then to England and then to Spain, where he received very little economic education in Norway, says Sjodin.
Abroad, his cousin has a good career with many valuable jobs in finance and he speaks many languages fluently. Along the way, he started a family.
However, in 2010, he wanted to return to Norway and western Norway. Despite his education as a graduate economist, he has to prove that it is difficult. The relative applied for more than 100 jobs before finally getting a job at Focus Bank.
Job application: The relative wanted to move to western Norway in 2010. Photo: Christian Myre / TV2
He packed up the moving load from Spain and prepared to go home, along with his children to be close to grandparents on Carmey.
But, two weeks before he was to start his new job, the opposite news came.
The bank knew his background and they withdrew the job.
– It is very sad and very sad. We are in a terrible situation and we are kept in a booth where we cannot leave, he told relative TV2 in connection with the case against the bank.
Court: What happened after the acquittal in the Court of Appeals has had consequences for the relative. Photo: NTB
Unable to return to work
He and his wife quit their jobs and feared they would run into financial trouble because of the situation.
In court, the employer argued that the relative had concealed the information and would not have hired him if they had known the story beforehand.
The argument is not fulfilled. The bank was Was fined 925,000 kroner in compensation, but the relative did not return the job.
We know about the accused person
Again he left the country in favor of a city in Spain. Today he works as a CFO for a company, says lawyer Sjødin.
The relative and his lawyers tried several times to overturn the civil judgment, but were unsuccessful.
Bent Enderson, a lawyer representing the relative in the Norwegian employer case, said being convicted of wrongful civil law murder was not a valid legal rule.
Criminal: Relative Attorney Bent Endresson. Photo: Oscar Hammer Carrot / TV2
I thought the phone had been hacked
In an interview since 2010, the relative directly said that he feels the Norwegian community owes him something. He wanted to correct the injustice he and his cousin had suffered.
– It is very difficult to lose my cousin. It was so hard to suspect she had killed her life. Spending a lot of time, energy and resources for my complete freedom in this regard is very difficult to look back on.
Was assaulted by the accused person
Now they expect an improvement. They have already announced that The case should be pursued again. They have received Support of the Law Professor.
– This ruling is contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judiciary must repay him. There are many ways this can happen, for example by sentencing, which makes it clear that there is no legal basis to charge him, says Mats Antones.
Birkitte Deng’s parents also have Opened to drop claim After the development of the last days.
On Friday morning, cousin lawyer Arvid Sjodin arrived in Troms on a plane. Suddenly, news of the police in Stavanger began to arrive.
– I wondered if the police inspector’s phone had been subjected to a virus attack because I had so many messages that I needed to get in touch, Sjodin says.
At 09.22, the news of the bombing came down: Police have arrested and charged a man in the Birkitte Dengs case – 26 years after the murder. The man, under the age of 50, was interrogated, but pleaded not guilty.
When the news broke, the cousin’s father, Jacob, was asleep. He sees his son in Spain. When he woke up, he found the phone full of calls and text messages.
– We could not open the website to read the news. I was trembling like that, he says.
Relief: Cousin father Jacob, now with his son in Spain. Photo: Odd Arn Hardwickson / TV2
In 2016, Gribose called for a retrial in the Dengs case. DNA samples were sent to the world’s leading companies in Austria. The answers that come from here are an important part of the charge against the 50-year-old.
At a press conference in connection with the arrest, police said that a new investigation into the case had not been conducted on the relative and that no suspicion, indictment or otherwise had been focused on him.
– We were in Spain, trying to digest this. It was like walking in a foggy house, the cousin’s father says, not allowing anyone to enjoy what the family has experienced for the past 25 years.
– I hope we can come to an end. If we have residual value, I want to keep it, he says.
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