– Threatening to destroy the entire city – VG

– Threatening to destroy the entire city – VG
On fire: Large parts of the village of Thantlang caught fire on Friday.

More buildings were also set on fire in the stricken village of Thantlang in Myanmar. In total, more than a hundred buildings were destroyed.


In September I became small Tantlang Village is somewhat deserted After fighting between rebel groups and the military council. Several homes were burned as a result of the attacks.

Then the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights, Thomas Andrews, described the situation in the city as a “living hell”.

New photos seen by VG on Friday night show the extent of the devastation. Smoke rises from the village as many blocks have been destroyed. The pictures show how the sea of ​​flames is engulfing many large buildings.

On Friday, dozens of new buildings were set on fire. According to Save the Children, more than a hundred buildings have so far been destroyed in the fires. They live in an orphanage that will remain among the ruins of the city.

– This senseless violence destroyed one of our offices, and threatens to destroy the entire city, he writes Relief Organization on Twitter.

The organization says about 20 children still live in the city. They will live in an orphanage that is now among the buildings threatened by fire.

The local Chinaland Post reported that a church and an office building for another Christian denomination were among the buildings that caught fire on Friday.

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The village is said to have had a population of just under 10,000 before thousands were forced to flee in September.

fleeing thousands

When the village was badly damaged in September, at least 8,000 people fled the small village near the border with India. Most of them took refuge in neighboring areas, including the Indian side of the border.

This was reported in Mizoram In the same week about 5,500 refugees from MyanmarBBC reported.

According to Reuters, about 20 homes were set on fire in September as a result of artillery shelling in the conflict. It is fought by resistance fighters and forces from the Military Council.

Demonstrations and riots have swept Myanmar since the coup in February this year, when the country’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, was arrested by the military junta. In many places, self-defense groups were organized to fight the junta

The country’s security forces have More than 1,200 people were killed and more than 7,000 arrested.

The government-in-exile called for “armed resistance”.

Earlier in October, Myanmar’s government-in-exile informed VG that they were now calling for armed struggle against the country’s military junta – at the same time they warned of a full-blown civil war in the country.

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People cannot tolerate more violence and abuse. That is why we are asking people and armed ethnic groups to resist, Yoo Aung Myo Min told VG. He is the Minister of State responsible for human rights in the Government of Exile, Government of National Unity of Myanmar (NUG).

NUG does not start from Aung San Suu Kyi’s ousted and imprisoned government, where the leader herself and most of her relatives were arrested, but was formed by parliamentarians who won seats in elections that were annulled by the junta.

do you remember this? The video of aerobics coach Kheng Hanin Wai spread after the military coup.

After the Myanmar military on February 1 took power in a coup Prices soared in the country, and thousands lost their jobs condition.

As a result, more and more people are struggling to get food on the table. This summer, AFP reported that the lucky ones, who had money in the bank, had to queue for hours to get them out.

The World Food Program estimates that 3.4 million people will go hungry in Myanmar through the New Year

UN human rights activist Michelle Bachelet stated in June that Myanmar was going through a humanitarian crisis, and that only the plotters of the military coup were to blame.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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