Today’s horoscope: Saturday, August 12th

Today’s horoscope: Saturday, August 12th


So it will be on Saturday.

Aries 3/21-4/19

On Saturday, you completely disconnect from work and devote yourself to more interesting activities with your family. Today is largely about animals and children. It will be an interesting day when you can release some of the extra energy you have accumulated over the summer.

Taurus 4/20-20/5

If you’ve worked one of the first weeks after vacation, the day is largely about getting back to being everyday and present again. You feel better when you have a consistent routine, and over the summer there were a few here and there with everything from food to exercise. Now you feel like starting to do it all over again.

Gemini 21/5-20/6

Without being able to put your finger on it, you feel completely unsettled today. Your emotions swing wildly between joy, anger, and sadness. You find it difficult to say what triggers a certain feeling, and this makes the whole day somewhat uneasy. Evening about confidence.

Cancer 21/6-22/7

There is a lot of warmth and love in your sign. You spread your feelings around your partner, your family, and your friends. Right now, you can’t adequately show what those close to you mean to you. This day can present a romantic surprise, especially for Cancers newly in love.

Leo 7/23-22/8

Recently, you lacked inspiration and enthusiasm at work, but today you make sure that you get plenty of it. No matter how or where you get your impressions, it helps you to look more positively at the present and the coming fall. Today you must not forget a loved one who misses you.

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Virgo 8/23-9/22

It seems that Saturday is devoted to a hobby or sport. You are not working alone today. You have people around you that you are expected to collaborate with. Unfortunately, collaboration isn’t exactly your forte, you just like to do things your own way.

Libra 9/23-22/10

On Saturday, I opted out of social activities in favor of family and home comfort. Of course, you can go on small trips or take part in joint projects, but first of all today we are talking about spending time together. Funny news awaits today regarding a relative.

Scorpio October 23-21/11

Saturday is very much about recovery and just being. Even if you have certain activities planned, the day is all about sleep and facilitation. The evening looks a little more festive; Then you have the energy to be social.

Sagittarius 22/11-21/12

You choose to put a somewhat grueling work week behind you and focus on having a fun and creative weekend. Instead of thinking about the things you can’t influence in any way, you energize yourself with the things you control. It will be a fun day that presents a surprise.

Capricorn 12/22-19/1

On Saturday, you have a bunch of small projects that you try to do together as a unit. When you do things your own way, the result is often very good, which is evident today. The flirtation continues since yesterday, either face to face through social media or through messages and chats.

Aquarius 20/1-18/2

This spring, I took on a project that you didn’t have time to complete. It includes some practical work that gives you the opportunity to express your creativity and good taste. Today you are working on your project during the day and enjoying good food in the evening.

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Pisces 19/2-20/3

Right now, you like to spend a lot of your free time outdoors if the weather cooperates. You may have a garden to play in, or use the day to play outdoor sports or play sports. It will be a fun and active day, and a fun and sociable evening.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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