Today’s horoscope: Thursday, August 17th

Today’s horoscope: Thursday, August 17th


This is how your Thursday will be.

Aries 3/21-4/19

On Thursday, you have many tasks that require you to act with a certain balance. Right now, your confidence isn’t at its best, so you have to go with the classic “fake it till you make it” method. Evening is about being present in the moment and not thinking too much about the future.

Taurus 4/20-20/5

You feel some guilt about your behavior yesterday. The question is whether you choose to get ahead of your actions or whether you can be big enough to apologize, even if it upsets you just a little bit. The evening will be different and physically challenging.

Gemini 21/5-20/6

During Thursday, your boss, colleague, or acquaintance tries to take advantage of you, making you see red. You don’t mind helping, but then it should be mutual, and that person has never done anything for you. Today you show how angry Gemini is.

Cancer 21/6-22/7

Since the Moon’s influence often wanes as quickly as it arrives, you are at your peak today. Doubts and negative feelings are gone. Instead, you are looking forward with optimism. This will be an exciting day when you dare to challenge yourself more than usual, both privately and at work.

Leo 7/23-22/8

Today, Earth enters your zodiac sign, tempering the exuberant energy from the beginning of the week. You focus a lot on details and on getting things right, both privately and at work. Today, a conflict of interest can arise between you and a colleague when both want to do the same tasks.

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Virgo 8/23-9/22

More Earth enters your sign, and the influence of Fire is softened. Today it is good to do things that require a lot of precision and focus, such as dealing with numbers and finances. It’s also a good day to ask questions regarding your future at work.

Libra 9/23-22/10

Thursday is about fleshing out ideas and solidifying them with your colleagues and managers. It will be a productive day as you maintain a fast pace from start to finish. You usually have trouble concentrating throughout the day, but now you’re getting the influence of Earth in your zodiac sign, and that helps. Evening brings news.

Scorpio October 23-21/11

Today you think practically and want to work in an organized manner. This is why it’s so good to work with numbers and finance, there’s a structure to it, and it makes you focus on one thing at a time. This day is also about meeting a person who is difficult to deal with.

Sagittarius 22/11-21/12

It looks like you’re taking a course or education of some sort, or you’re about to learn new tasks at work. This day is about gathering knowledge, but also about meeting new people. You love variety, so this is definitely your day.

Capricorn 12/22-19/1

On Thursday, your body will be put to the test, and as usual when you are challenged in this way, you will be a little nervous. What is surprising, however, is the result it provides. You know you’re in relatively good shape, but this is beyond expectations, even for you. The evening is about good food and the comfort of home.

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Aquarius 20/1-18/2

Today you feel better, but you are far from the highest level. Listen to your body and take it easy. Be especially careful to avoid stress if you are working. The risk is high that you will feel bad again if you are nervous. The evening brings pleasant information and good news.

Pisces 19/2-20/3

Looks like you’ve been invited to some kind of meeting at work today. This worries you because you know the meeting is about changes, and you are afraid that it will affect your daily life. There is no point in worrying about things that you can’t influence anyway. Instead, focus on the positive aspects.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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