Tourism and Food | Drinking and eating rules in Gardermoen: – Right behind the goal

Tourism and Food | Drinking and eating rules in Gardermoen: – Right behind the goal

(Electronic newspaper) What food and drink can you take with you during the security check at Gardermoen?

Nettavisen has recently received questions from several readers who are unsure about the regulations.

Emil Renström, 81, from Revital in Tønsberg, finds the rules confusing.

He fears that his plan for shrimp French toast for a family of 14 may go down the drain. They are going to Crete in September.

– Behind the goal

– I think it's too far off the mark for anything that's disseminated to pass through the security check.

Rehnstrøm has become familiar with the rules published on Avinor's website. It states, among other things, that not all liquids are allowed to be taken through the security check and that this applies:

“Everything that is liquid, spreadable, or in a gaseous state is subject to the rules of liquids.”

Spreads were mentioned as an example of what is not allowed.

“I talked to someone at Avinor, and I was told that a thin layer of butter should work well,” says Renstrom.

He is not satisfied with this answer.

– I think it's strange. He says one should either follow the rules or take a chance and smuggle butter.

Shrimp Baguette Recipe

In order to avoid the spillover problem, Renstrom came up with a plan to get the shrimp baguette through security screening.

As you know, buying everything you need at the airport, like this, can be expensive. Nettavisen's recent major price check showed.

“We have the best Meny’s store in the country right next door. I asked them if they could buy a shrimp baguette without mayonnaise. And then I could get the mayonnaise in little tubes,” says Renstrom.

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See answer from Avinor below: – This is definitely spreadable.

He thought he could put the tubes in the clear plastic bag you get at security. Liquids and seaweed are okay to bring, as long as they are in containers no larger than 100 milliliters.

But unfortunately. The sea can be choppy here.

“They have 100-gram tubes, but I think it might be more like 100 milliliters because mayonnaise is thinner than water,” says Renstrom.

– I think it's bad.

Renstrom believes the information coming from Avinor should be better.

– The rules are unclear, and I think that's a bad thing. Some say this, some say that. Should you take the chance?

He also finds it strange that everything that is spreadable is bad, while there are exceptions when it comes to children.

– It says there are exceptions for baby food. You can take it with you in containers larger than 100 milliliters, says Renstrom.

He'd heard that it was safer to stay dry, otherwise you were relying on a little goodwill when you were being controlled.

My son said: “If a security inspector hits a suitable scale, it means that the matter has already been done.”

Reinstad had otherwise planned to buy drinks at the airport.

He says: “I'm not sure you can bring an empty drink bottle either.”

Ask Avinor to clarify.

The Consumer Council also considers that the information should be clarified.

– Here, Avinor has to do an explanatory work on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable to bring to the airport, lawyer Thomas Iversen tells Nettavisen.

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He is – amazingly – preparing packed lunches for the family, who will be flying to Sri Lanka, when Nitavisin calls.

On the website, Avinor lists what you can take with you, among other things, fresh fruit, whole eggs, coconut, dry cake base, biscuits, meats and brown cheese.

But they don't write anything about whether you can bring a packed lunch with bread, butter and cold cuts. They also don't write anything about whether you can take an empty drink bottle with you.

“We at the Consumer Council recommend that people bring an empty water bottle to the airport. Then you can fill up water for free from the water dispensers after the security check. But there’s nothing about that on the website. I think they should write that directly,” says Iversen.

It's true that Avinor has information about this elsewhere on their website, but not regarding the rules on what you can take with you through security screening.

“Can I bring the cake?”

On the Avinor side, there are answers to several questions like “Can I bring the cake?” while other, perhaps more important, questions are missing.

“They should have answers to obvious questions like: Can I bring a packed lunch? Can I bring an empty drink bottle?” Iversen says.

– If you can bring a packed lunch with extras like cheese and ham, they should write it down. And then it should say whether you can have butter on a slice of bread or not, he says.

– general rule

Nettavisen asked Avinor to clarify what food and drinks you can take with you during the security check.

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To take simple first.

– You can take an empty bottle with you and fill it with water on the other side of the security checkpoint, says Avinor communications consultant Øystein Løwer.

But then it gets more difficult.

– In general, liquid or spreadable foods are not allowed through security screening in containers larger than 100 milliliters, says Loyer.

He says a good rule of thumb is that if it can be spread, it's considered a liquid and not allowed to take with you.

– Exercise discretion

– Is there a topping you can't put on bread slices? What about cheese, nougat and shrimp salad?

“This is definitely circulating, and it can't be taken through a security check,” says Loyer.

But if you can put the fat in a container no larger than 100 ml, you can take it with you and spread it on the bread slices after passing the inspection. Maybe not very practical, but it is within the regulations.

– FifthSafety inspectors have the opportunity to exercise discretion, for example in the case of a greased lunch box. “If you have a greased slice of bread with you, it’s less likely to be taken away,” says Lauer.

Avinor otherwise states that they have communicated on social media that you can take an empty water bottle with you through security, and that this has garnered half a million views. They otherwise say that food parcels are not a big deal at airports.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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