Traffic, Accidents | Traffic accident between cars and motorcycles

Traffic, Accidents |  Traffic accident between cars and motorcycles

LIER: – There are long lines at the location. Almost a 45-minute delay, Veitrafikksentralen writes.

At 1pm on Saturday, the emergency services are moving to Lier after a traffic accident was reported on the E18 in the Fosskoll Tunnel. The accident must have occurred in a southerly direction.

Two cars and a motorcycle

At 1:30 p.m., emergency services were on the scene. Two cars and a motorcycle will be involved. All involved are in stable condition and there have been no reports of injuries.

– Everything indicates no matter of personal injury. The motorcyclist got out of the tunnel, not to escape – but because he didn’t feel safe there. I agree with that, operations manager Roger Esser tells Drammens Tidende and says the health and fire services have left the scene.

Traffic is crossing the scene in one lane, and auto rescuers have been alerted.

– Traffic incident has led to long queues, NRK traffic reports at 1.43pm.

– There are long lines at the site. Almost 45 minutes late, Veitrafikksentralen writes at 14.00.

At 14.7 the police reported that the road had been cleared and the emergency services had left the scene of the accident. When the police left, the line started earlier Toad in Asker.

According to our reporter at the scene, traffic should be flowing smoothly at 2:19 p.m.

Investigate the matter

The police are now investigating the course of the accident.

– We have to investigate whether someone was negligent, or if this is just going to be a damage report, says Aaser.

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Police report at 2:00 pm that they are opening a case.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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