Transgender, sex | My living life passes through your biology story

last discussion It expresses the opinion of the author.

Dear Jenny Kling – I live the life of a chicken. My gender identity is a woman. But I did the rooster job in the breeding that led to my child. So I was born with equipment man.

My living life passes your story about biology.

But do not despair – I will not question your biological “facts”, nor will I tell you anything. I am actually willing to go to great lengths to defend your right to express yourself.

And the two of us don’t necessarily differ either. Because when I state that my identity is a woman, I am not claiming that I am above your biology. I’m just saying that for me there is a difference between the physical body I was born into – and the experience of sex that lies within my identity.

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I have always experienced that as individuals we possess a unique identity – a DNA of thoughts and feelings. Even though I “came out” in adulthood, my identity has always been there – I was born this way. And for me, that’s also part of biology.

difficult message

But I should be allowed to ask questions about what is the purpose of your frequent posts about gender and biological facts?

At the same time you claim that you “recognize and respect those of us who break gender norms, it is very difficult to see this message.

We are affected by the experience of your posts that you convey stories and truths that transcend our lives. We find it humiliating compared to animals.

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And I want to believe that you also see how these stories live in social media, and how they help narrow the space for living a life like the one I live.

This has consequences.

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I don’t want to contribute to a polarized debate.

My desire is to contribute to greater acceptance and understanding by living a life as open and honest as possible, as I am – fully and completely.

So I thought it would be very good if we could meet once and talk about sex, biology and living life together.

A version of this text was first printed in the paperback edition of Romsdals Budstikke on June 29, 2022.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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