Trick for 2.8 million Eurobonus points

Trick for 2.8 million Eurobonus points

Hotel: Barnebu Scandic Baram. Photo: Google Street View

The receptionist credited the hotel guests' bonus points to their own account. Now she is guilty.

Ringerike, Asker and Bærum District Court found the 20-year-old woman guilty of grossly negligent fraud and sentenced her to 30 hours of community service.

Flysmart24 First refers to the judgment.

He was charged with grand larceny or grand larceny, but pleaded not guilty when the trial began.

The woman worked at the reception desk at Scandic Fornebu in the first half of last year.

Hotel guests who are members of SAS EuroBonus can book their stay to earn 500 points. Far away from everyone.

In such cases, the receptionist booked the points into their own accounts at Eurobonus. In total, there were up to 2.8 million points, according to the indictment.

to America in points

For points, he flew to the US twice with associated hotel stays.

For each bonus point registered with Scandic, the chain is invoiced SEK 0.08 by SAS EuroBonus. A total of NOK 180,000.

Bonus Card: SAS Eurobonus. Photo: SAS

The defendant convinced the court that he did not understand that the employer was required to pay for bonus points registered from overnight guests.

He lost his job

Due to the unusually high booking, EuroBonus alerted the hotel chain, which was reported to the police and fired the receptionist in May last year.

His Eurobonus accounts were blocked and bonus points were withdrawn.

The court believes that this is based on the fact that she would not have put her job at risk if she had believed she was receiving an invoice for Scandic bonus points.

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The court concluded that the woman obtained an unfair advantage but did not commit gross fraud or gross fraud.

– Very reprehensible

The court believes that it should have inquired in more detail whether the act of the woman caused loss to the hotel. The woman was convicted of grossly negligent fraud.

– This action is strongly condemned. The court writes that there are grounds for severe condemnation for causing loss to Scandic.

The defendant explained to the court that he believed EuroBonus had converted 1.4 million bonus points into SEK 112,000.

The woman was sentenced to compensate Scandic's documented loss of SEK 76,000. 30 hours of community service must be completed within 90 days.

– The defendant is content to believe that this was done with no ill will towards the employer, writes his defender Thomas Osith. messenger.


In an earlier version of the case, Budstika was said to have mentioned the case first. was the right thing to mention this matter first. It was modified on 17 March 2024 at 12:15 PM.

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Joshi Akinjide

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