Trønder’s last duel in ‘The Voice’ tonight

Trønder’s last duel in ‘The Voice’ tonight

So far already Five Trondelag players advanced to the next round of the singing competition.

On Friday night, 31-year-old Axel Frons, from Åfjord to fencing, was on the penultimate fencing show this year.

Taken to sleep from the animated stories

Axel competed with Judah Levikaite (20) of Sim in Nordland. Together they sang Emma Steinbakken’s “I’ll Never Forget You”.

Before the duel, Jodha said Axel’s blind test was “the sickest thing she’s ever seen”.

– I sat down and thought, Oh my God, don’t laugh a bit.

Axel Frances and Judah Leviquette of Team Matoma during Friday’s duel. Photo: Robert Dreyer Holland

And Teacher Matuma was particularly impressed on Friday night, not only by Monday’s performance, but also by the fact that both Axel and Judah sang for the ancestors who passed away.

– It’s great to be able to honor someone who meant so much to you all your growing up, with such a performance. Nobody can take it from you, and it’s totally charming. Matuma said the two moving stories there were taken to bed, while tears streamed down her cheeks.

It might be one of the hardest choices

However, it did not last long for Axel in the fencing. On Friday night, Guru Matoma chooses to take Gouda.

In your own way, you’re both so cute, and that’s a very difficult choice. Perhaps one of my hardest choices, but I have to choose. Matuma said my gut feeling is that I should go to Jodha.

None of the other guides chose to “steal” Axel, thus ending the Trondelag man’s “The Voice” trip.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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