Trondheim – NRK Halloween party at Jacobsley in Trondhelag

Trondheim – NRK Halloween party at Jacobsley in Trondhelag

The police have been displaced by Jakobsi to the East of Trondheim, as many young people in a private Halloween party have been abundant.

According to the police, the participants in the party were middle school age.

They received a message from the emergency room called to the scene.

– Ole Petter Hollingen, operations manager at Trøndelag Police District, tells NRK that when they arrived, there was complete confusion with the highly intoxicated youth, which was a bit confusing, so they wanted police to the place.

There has been fighting in the party as well. Most of the youths who were there were gone by the time police arrived at the scene.

– A boy was beaten a little. The operations manager says he is 14 years old and may be the same age as the others.

– We are on site with patrols, waiting for parents to come and pick up those left there, Hollingon says.

He says there were about 20-25 young people in the party.

Victims are monitored by health workers at the scene and they should not be seriously injured.

– It’s young, it’s clear that it’s a kind of Halloween party here. Many of the people in the orange outfits were dressed up, I see, so it meant a kind of Halloween meeting or party.

Encourages: – Pay attention

The operational manager has a clear incentive to follow the parents.

– At least I think parents should be careful and follow closely. They need to communicate with their children and be willing to take them with them. It has been reported that a lot of parties are now taking place in private homes, which are regular Halloween parties.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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