Truck train towards car on E14

Truck train towards car on E14

According to the fire service, the accident took place on the Swedish side, on the national border. Personal injury occurred, but police wrote on Twitter that the damage was unknown.

At around 10.30am, police said three people were involved in the crash and one of them was sent for treatment with minor injuries.

Police said two lorries and a car were trapped around 09.43.

– The fire brigade at the scene said everyone involved should get out of the vehicles and seek treatment in an ambulance. Ebe Kimo, operations manager at the Trondhelac police district, said there were no signs of serious personal injury.

Kimo does not know whether the vehicles are Norwegian or Swedish registered.

Efforts are being made to clarify the course of events, but the action manager was able to say that police were notified that one of the lorries involved was standing on a slippery road an hour before the accident.

The E14 on the Swedish side was closed as a result of the crash, approximately until 12.30.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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