Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Samer Create space for dark thoughts

Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Samer  Create space for dark thoughts

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Sarah Volab wrote for VG About the inhuman expectation to be strong all the time. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission delivered its 'Truth and Reconciliation' report to Parliament on Thursday 1 June. There they demonstrated that the idea of ​​the mentally strong Sami is still alive and well, and that such a standard leads to the assumption that the Sami can withstand anything – including threats, violence and abuse. It is dangerous that in the Sámi community we can think that “this is how much you have to put up with”, and this leads to the fact that it is difficult to ask for help, accept help and perhaps even give help.

We want this In the Norwegian National Sami Federation (NSR) it is changing that asking for help requires strength and courage, as well as the courage to ask difficult questions.

It's done Research on mental health that can be linked to the Sámi population, including the SAMINOR surveys, the Mihá survey and the Everyday Life of Reindeer Herders (SANKS and NBR).

Some results Should not be worn. Among other things, one in three young Sami reindeer herders had thought about suicide or had plans to commit suicide. The Nordkalotvolkite party recently called reindeer herders “the lucky ones,” even though they know these numbers.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission The report shows that the Sami people have been exposed to many significant historical traumas, namely traumas resulting from years of discrimination and marginalization. Such trauma can lead, among other things, to shame and self-hatred. Shame and self-loathing create fertile ground for mental illness.

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Clinical part The SAMINOR 2 study showed that anxiety and depression are more common among the Sami than among others. Surveys also show that young Sámi people seeking help often encounter a mental health service that does not understand basic cultural causal relationships, and have to 'explain' themselves and their identity when meeting with the health service.

Independence and ability Providing for oneself is highly valued in Sami culture, and there is very little talk about psychological problems, abuse or drug use. It is important that we work in the Sami community to open up, so that the threshold for seeking vital help is lowered.

Sami Private Health Services (SANKS/SÁNAG) and the cooperation project with the Sámi Health Team in Plaasje/Røros are very important health care services for the Sámi population where emphasis is placed on the Sámi language and cultural competence. We are completely dependent on these services being given the opportunity to reach more people in Sapmi. We have no one to lose and we fear lives will be lost as the waiting lists grow.

Sami patients He must have the opportunity to obtain assistance in the specialized health service for the Sami people. This means that GPs across the country should be aware of the offer, and the Sami specialist health service is put in a position to reach and help more people. Arrangements must also be made so that more people can get help where they live.

NSR wants it The Sami Parliament will collaborate with the Health Directorate to provide low-level services to both patients and their relatives in Sápmi. This could be in the form of new Sami user organizations, or local Sami teams in existing user organizations.

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Should this offer We embrace all ages, genders and challenges and focus on providing assistance to entire families if desired. It is important that the presentation is locally tailored and ensures that the presentation has sufficient linguistic and cultural competence for Sami patients and their relatives.

My hope is so We are working to create a transcendent community where asking for help is also strength. It is an important step towards ensuring the right of the Sami to enjoy good mental health and openness in society. Birgitte (Managing Things) It shouldn't be about managing everything yourself – but about how you deal with others. Coping is about allowing yourself to be vulnerable, show your emotions, and ask for and get the help you need.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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