TV review “Guess Who!”: Too petty – VG

TV review “Guess Who!”: Too petty – VG
Light related: Steinar Sagen in “Guess Who!”

Show me your quirks, and I’ll guess who you are.


“guess who!”

Norwegian entertainment program in eight parts

Premieres on TVNorge and Discovery+ on Tuesday 26th October

Host: Steinar Sagen

VG dice show 3 points

I could have sworn I was in a program somewhat similar to this on a previous occasion, probably in another language, but in the caption it says “Idea for: Arne Shaw Knudsen». A slightly lukewarm Google search wasn’t enough to break the claim. So then.

regardless. The idea, which belongs to Arne Schau-Knudsen, is at least like this: we will get to know a group of Norwegian celebrities, whom you may have seen before, better through trivia, anecdotes, and curious personal quotations. Not as in “boring interviews”, the host boasts to say in advertising. There are more exotic cases being thrown into the market:

Which of the four guests worked in a mine? Who owns a “merry” puller that imagines a man surrendering to his wife from behind, and who is jealous of this reference? Who once sat in the dryer? Who accused a stroke patient of treason in Ludo? Who hugs animals with a Bergen accent?

Who are those who kept their twenties-style cozy? Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Solveig Kloppen, Steinar Sagen, Sophie Elise Isachsen and Lars Berrum (from left) in Guess Who!

The bag, well used for this kind of party games from «glasses“And”The king commands». In the first program, the following four will guess and lighten the veil:

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Solveig Klubin, is a good listener, as we know, and is also good at listening with organs other than the ears (see for yourself). Sophie Elise Isachsen, bloggers who know her worth, and the place she occupies in the celebrity hierarchy. Lars BeromElongated pleasurable guy and nurse. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Departure Politician And Mini Lars Rohr Langslet. One of those has the great winder I mentioned. Guess, celebrity, guess!

Comfortable and playful: Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Solveig Kloppen, Steinar Sagen, Lars Berrum and Sophie Elise Isachsen (from left) in Guess Who!

We’ve seen Program 2 too, keep in mind. sitting there Another politician came up with better ideasKnut Ariel Hared, dressed properly and dryly. another blogger – Kristen Gelsvik. Helen Olafsen, a former snowboarder and host of “late night” be with. This also Alex Rosenaging in all respectsfermentation»With the most infectious / rash-causing laughter (choose for yourself) from this side Tryge Slagsvold Vedum.

The program is divided by video features, and it is clear that the degree of comfort depends on the tone among the guests. that it hello In the two programs saw VG. Which then has a few things that have to go on:

The rock looks a little garden-like here and there, the tempo is variable and the occasional joke is more or less drowned out in laughter (which comes from a box). The “Let the stomach decide” quick cause also works. NS Quick: We want to know Why Røe Isaksen wanted the nickname “Biscuit”.

It will likely happen eventually. Then comes the “Guess who!” Perhaps to become more trivial than it already is.

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Watch the references two episodes

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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