Two were found with stab wounds

Two were found with stab wounds

Police were notified at 20.50pm that a riot had broken out in an apartment in Skin on Friday night.

Police arrived at the scene and found the two men in a state of being stabbed. Both are from Telemark.

– No one’s life is in danger. Ambulance and treatment on the site, writes Southeastern Police District on Twitter.

Police say the injuries are not known at the moment.

When police arrived at the scene, they saw someone running from there. In the distance, a man was seen in the bushes.

– In the distance, the police dog saw a man hiding in the bushes. Police write that he was associated with the place and was arrested.

About an hour after the first person was arrested, police said they arrested another person.

– He was found by a patrol not far from the address. Police write on Twitter that they believe we have arrested those involved, based on what we have so far.

Police said the connection between the four involved was not currently known.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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