UiT, knowledge | 15 new doctors in the North: Asking for new admission requirements

UiT, knowledge |  15 new doctors in the North: Asking for new admission requirements

Ola Borten Moe brought money to 15 new annual research sites in medicine in Tromsø. Rector Doug Rune Olson hopes that in the future medical students will be admitted on criteria other than standards.

Ola Borten Moe (Sp), the new Minister of Research and Higher Education, visited the University of Tromsø on Friday. With him were leaks from the state government’s budget for next year of the latest government.

The Minister was able to announce that next year UiT will have 15 new study places in medicine. Thus, the university in the northern part of the country can train up to 150 doctors annually.

– We are responsible for the bulk of doctors’ education, said Borden Moe, pointing out that more than half of doctors in this country are educated outside the country’s borders.

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Borden Moe believes that getting more doctors in Norway to get their education is in the best interest of the country.

– It represents a strength for both education and research, which is important to access at home.

ABS Health Policy Spokeswoman Sicily Mirset was also present when the budget was presented. He hopes the new research sites will help strengthen medical insurance in the North.

– We know that doctors are more likely to stay in the North while studying here. To ensure viable communities, we rely on good medical insurance.

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UiT Rector Doug Rune Olsen is pleased with the news that from next year, 15 additional medical students may be enrolled in Tromsø each year.

The investment is part of an expansion plan that will cover a total of 90 seats in the six-year education. In total, this will cost 40-50 million kroner.

– We have committed through the WHO to educate 50 percent of our physicians ourselves, but we have not achieved that goal. It also indicates that we are capturing academic potential in other countries, Olson said.

Entry requirements

Doug Rune Olsen is pleased to see that admissions requirements for the study of medicine and, for example, psychology are changing.

– Today we see that there are some professional studies on health that have the highest quality requirements. At the same time, we know that work tasks are also conversations with patients, and because there are only quality requirements, it is not certain that we are hiring the most appropriate people today, Olson believes.

Will raise the issue with the Minister.

Ola Borten Moe has not ruled out changes in admission criteria for a long time. He pointed out that a committee has been appointed to evaluate the rules for higher education admissions. The Committee must submit its report and recommendation no later than 1 December 2022.

– Some parts of this system may be ripe for modification, Says Borden Moe, grandson of former Prime Minister Per Borden (1913-2005) – he was in his time Advocates for the controversial university in Tromsø.

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Ola Morton Mo.

  • Already in 1992, at the age of 16, Moe took over the family farm in Leinstrand.
  • From 2013 to 2015, he was the Director of Innovation at SIVA, where he was responsible as the owner of innovation companies, research and knowledge parks and overseas operations.
  • In the spring of 2015, he was one of four entrepreneurs at OKEA, an oil company in Trondheim, which acquired Yme Field later that year.
  • Moe was a member of the Trentheim City Council from 1995 to 2007. He was chairman of the city council’s development committee from 1999 to 2003, a member (municipal council) member, and chairman of the center party’s city council committee from 2003 to 2005.
  • Moe was selected for Storting from Sør-Trøndelag from 2005 to 2013. He was a member of the Center Party’s planning committee before the 2005 Storting election, and has a special interest in district and business policy. He began as a member of Sporting’s Energy and Environment Committee.
  • In the autumn session of 2007, after Lars Peter Breck became Speaker of Parliament, he took over as Chairman of Storting’s Business Committee and went to Stording’s Regulatory and Constitutional Committee.
  • In 2009, Mo became the 1st Vice-Chairman of the Sorting Regulatory and Constitutional Committee and a member of Sporting’s Local and Executive Committee.
  • He was the Minister of Petroleum and Energy from 2011 until the change of government in 2013.
  • Together with Stadoil, Mo was named “Worst Ethics of the Year” in 2011 by The Future in Ever Hands, an environmental protection organization.[14] In 2013, Moe was awarded the NPF Prize by the Norwegian Petroleum Association.
  • He was elected the first vice president of the Central Party in 2014 and was previously nicknamed the “Crown Prince of Crown”.
  • In April 2018, he and nine friends were on a cab trip when he was suspended from the post of vice-president on suspicion of sending an annoying SMS to the former leader of the Center Party, Live-Sign Nowhere.
  • Source: Wikipedia
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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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