USA: – I don’t want to die

USA: – I don’t want to die

New information has shed light on the death of Megan Joyce Mohn (40) in Salt Lake City earlier this year.

On January 11, police arrested the 40-year-old for attempting to break into a closed area in the middle of the night. She is also said to have been seen walking in circles while carrying rebar.

independent He writes that the 40-year-old was pronounced dead a few weeks after his arrest.

Now the footage from the police body cam has been made public.

– I do not want to die. Help me!, Mohn shouted at the recording.

Mohn is said to have also requested water from the officers. Instead of responding to the request, they responded that she would be imprisoned if she did not provide her personal data.

Hold it for four minutes

to me Salt Lake City Tribune An off-duty police officer was the first to notice the woman this evening.

Confront the woman about her behavior. Soon, noting that the discussion was not going anywhere, he alerted his colleagues in the Salt Lake City Police.

Soon, a patrol arrived at the scene. The 40-year-old’s hands were tied.

According to the recordings from the police officers’ body cameras, they did not have to use harsh force to control the 40-year-old.

However, the arrest had serious consequences for Mohn. The Salt Lake City Tribune wrote that a police officer held her face on the ground for more than four minutes.

After a few minutes, she stopped screaming and her legs appeared to be paralyzed, the newspaper wrote.

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Resistance: Megan Joyce Moyne put up a great resistance when she was arrested in January, but to no avail.  Photo: Salt Lake City Police Department

Resistance: Megan Joyce Moyne put up a great resistance when she was arrested in January, but to no avail. Photo: Salt Lake City Police Department
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There is not enough oxygen for the brain

The two police officers have now been suspended with salaries while the investigation is ongoing.

According to The Independent, officers should have been told that the woman’s life was not in danger when she left the hospital on January 11. About three weeks later, she was pronounced dead.

In July, investigators who examined the body determined that the death was due to injuries sustained by police officers.

According to The Independent, Dr. Alon Steinberg wrote in the conclusion that she had suffered cardiac arrest and brain damage from lack of oxygen.

If the brain does not get oxygen for four minutes, the consequences can be very dire, he writes.

There appears to be a longer period in which the woman did not get enough blood circulation to the brain. Consequently, it led to my brain death, although we can’t rule out that she had other health issues, he adds.

Act quickly and appropriately

The police officer has not commented on the case, but the Salt Lake City Police Chief does not share the investigators’ opinion.

In a quick comment to the local newspaper, he said he believed his staff handled the case well.

– They acted quickly and appropriately to save the woman’s life, Police Chief Mike Brown tells the local newspaper.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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