Vacation days in May: – Take up to ten days of vacation

Vacation days in May: – Take up to ten days of vacation

May is a month full of holidays and celebrations. It offers good opportunities to prepare the garden for the summer or go away for a long weekend.

This year, those red days are helpful on the calendar when it comes to getting extra time off without taking too many vacation days, Ticket Feriereiser wrote in a press release.

All red days fall on weekdays. By taking a few days off, you can have up to ten days off.

Drop this

Drop this

Cheaper and fewer people

– Traveling now in the spring is not only beneficial with the abundance of red days that can extend the holiday, but also in terms of temperature and crowding. In Cyprus, Crete and Rhodes, for example, it's about 25 degrees in the air and 20 degrees in the water in May — and space on the beaches is better than in the height of summer, says Ellen Wolf Andersen, marketing and management director at Ticket. In the press release.

This year, May 1 falls on a Wednesday, Ascension Day is as usual on a Thursday, while May 17 falls on a Friday, just before Whit Sunday.

According to Ticket Feriereiser, it may be a good idea to travel specifically in relation to our holidays, such as May 17 and Pentecost, as these are not typical international travel weekends. This means less congestion at the destination.

– Even in terms of price, these weekends can be beneficial, because they are not associated with travel like Easter, for example, says Ellen Wolf Andersen.

According to the travel company, there are still flights left for long weekends in the spring, but the most popular hotels sell out quickly and flight prices rise the closer we get to travel, so it is important not to be too late, the company urges.

- There will be a queue

– There will be a queue

You are entitled to this

When it comes to work, the starting point is that there should be no work on all public holidays. If you have a fixed salary, you will not be deducted for not working on these days.

– According to the Work Environment Law, work is only permitted on official holidays when the “nature of the work” makes it necessary. Whether there is a business opportunity should be evaluated concretely based on the nature of the business, says Rajni Mixphol Singh, HR legal advisor at Simployer to DinSide.

However, if you have to work, the company is not required to give you holiday pay. This depends on the agreement you have. You should check it carefully!

Red days: The starting point is that there should be no work on all public holidays. Someone still has to work to keep the wheels turning.
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1 and 17 may have their own rules. The employer must pay the full wage unless it falls on Sundays or other holidays. This requires that you have worked there continuously during the last 30 days before the public holidays – or that you have been employed before these days and for at least 30 days.

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You should be paid as if it were a normal Sunday. If this is not regulated in your agreement, you must have at least a 50 percent add-on.

– When it comes to closed days, such as the Friday after Ascension Day, there are no laws or rules that give the right to leave. If an employee wants time off on such a day, you can apply for leave or perhaps agree to leave if you have a flexible schedule, says Simployer Consultant.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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