Vanessa Rudjord is taking a hard line against drug shortages to treat menopausal symptoms

Vanessa Rudjord is taking a hard line against drug shortages to treat menopausal symptoms

in episode of “Sinofi and Vanessa» Vanessa Rudjord (48) is strongly against the lack of a cure for menopausal symptoms.

-I'm starting to get really nervous, because do you know what's been sold out in all of Norway? My estrogen, which is the estrogen I take every day, she says.

The 48-year-old is a former fashion editor at Elle and Custom, and together with TV personality and presenter Synnøve Skarbø, 53, created the self-titled podcast. TV 2 I mentioned it first.

Unknown past: In an episode of “Kåss til Kvelds”, Synnøve Skarbø revealed that she and Aune Sand, who was also a guest on the show, are crushes on her. But Sand did not completely agree. Video: NRK
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Menopause is something all older women have to go through. The body begins to produce less estrogen– The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and eventually stops completely. The woman enters a new life stage.

This can also cause various ailments such as sleeping difficulties, hot flashes, depression, insomnia, muscle and joint pain, concentration problems, mood swings, and brain fog.

-I knew I was very jealous

-I knew I was very jealous

– He will sue the state

For some time, failure has been reported in estrogen delivery, as a hormone replacement therapy for symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

The reason is said to be increased demand for the drug, which is only given to those who are seriously affected.

– There has been a long-term and persistent supply problem throughout 2023 and now in 2024, says Chief Medical Officer Ingrid Ass at the Directorate for Medical Products (DMP) NRC.

– We consider the shortage serious, because it affects many women, as the president said Medicine today.

Opens: When Synnøve Skarbø and her show “Synnøve Cleans up – Celebrity” visited Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes, Sandberg proudly displayed her underwear drawer. Video: Dplay/TV Norge
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Rudjord says she herself tried taking breaks from the medication, once a week, but then “she started right away counting.”

– I know I'm so angry about this that I want to sue the state, or Hells Norge, or whatever. does not work. Think about all those people who take estrogen, Rudjord points out in the podcast episode.

Vanessa Rudjord has not yet responded to KK's inquiry.

- It's getting worse

– It's getting worse

Continuous shortage

This isn't the first time a shortage of menopause medications has made headlines. I reported last summer as well NRC That pharmacies are still free of estrogen patches.

At that time, it was applied to the “Estradot” estrogen patch.

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Many menopausal people rely on these medications to continue their daily lives. Sandoz is behind the Estradot and Estalis shortages, and told Channel 2 that it is fully aware that the situation is difficult for patients who cannot obtain the medicine.

-I lost my period

-I lost my period

The plaster shortage will reportedly continue for the rest of the year.

– Pharmacies are doing what they can to help patients until alternatives are found, such as offering another patch with a lower strength and using two of them, Hanne Andersen, professional director of the Pharmaceutical Association, explains to TV 2.

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The industry organization describes the situation as extremely difficult and unpredictable.

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There has been a significant increase in the use of estrogen medications in recent years – with an increase of almost 70 percent from 2019 to 2023, reports TV 2 and cites the Pharmaceutical Association.

This case was first published in K. no

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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