– Watered a lot of water – VG

– Watered a lot of water – VG
Current bands: Youssef Ould Meryem (left) and Hermann Fleiswig

“Houston has a problem,” Hermann Fleisweg says in Instastory.

– We filmed in the studio in Fornebu today, after about a third of today’s recording, there was a pipe leak or something. Show producer Jenny Fong says the fire service is now investigating what happened.

Youssef Ould Meryem, better known from Madcon, is the creator of this fall’s big investment “Floss” from NRK, with Mikael Samuelsen.

The cast includes comedian and actor Hermann Fleiswig, who recently appeared on NRK with the comedy series First Time Service.

Now the recording of “Flus” is in full swing. Flesvig posted up on Instastory from the registry.

Monday was no exception. The comedian posted a video at about 12:45 of water pouring out of the wall in the studio where they recorded the day.

“We have a problem in Houston,” Fleswig wrote in the post.

Water flowed into the studio in Fornebu on Monday.

– Lots of water flowed in here. But it was not tragic at all and no one was hurt. We don’t know exactly why, but we think it has something to do with the storm.

Vuong says it looks like they’ve managed to salvage the equipment.

– We have a great team on the ball. But some of the equipment has not yet been tested.

Now they continue to record outdoors, while they wait to see if they can return to the studio during the day.

– There are scenes planned after we were in the studio, so we can at least use the time.

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She notes that it’s a bit too early to say how this will affect additional recording for the series, but says they’re aiming to finish recording before the summer.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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