Weather, Oslo | Missed the notification? So, it’s too good to be true

Weather, Oslo |  Missed the notification?  So, it’s too good to be true

(Avisa Oslo/Nettavisen): Looking at from June 12 and 13 in eastern Norway, meteorologists report up to 30 degrees and bright sun.

Now that weather forecasters are coming up with even smaller cold showers, for example, people expect Oslo won’t turn completely south anytime soon:

– Temperature tends to increase over long periods of time. We’ve seen temperatures in the past drop quite a bit as it approaches – when running multiple forecasts. A person who is now in Yr may be a bit more. “I think we can put some ice in our bellies and see how high it goes,” begins meteorologist Espan Biseth Granan, who works at the Meteorological Center across the street. Oslo newspaper.

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It wasn’t that long ago that it was the end of May Oslo warned of southerly temperatures, but that didn’t happen. But next week will be hot, the meteorologist is sure of it:

– but what seems certain is that temperatures during the week will mostly be above 20 degrees. So the question arises as to how high we reach. It’s a favorable build-up of high pressure from Sweden, which means we can get warm air, and that’s contributing to the rise in temperature, Granan says of Oslo weather.

Other parts of the country

Many places in eastern Norway – not just Oslo – may warm up in the future. Both Lillihammer, Skyne And Nespine A temperature of 29 degrees is predicted for the next 10 days.

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For the rest of the country, the prognosis is not as bleak. Christiansand The long-term forecast calls for 3-4 degrees cooler than eastern Norway, with a high of 25 degrees on Monday 12 June.

A city full of sunshine and summer, Bergen, recorded a maximum temperature of 23 degrees on Tuesday, June 13. However, a bright spot for the people of Bergen is that there is no chance of a drop of rain here for the next ten days.

Trondheim On the other hand, light rain may occur on Tuesday, otherwise it is dry here as well. The maximum temperature on Monday and Tuesday will be 11 degrees, but already on Saturday you can have an outdoor beer in Solstedon, with 24 degrees predicted.

to Take a picture And Tromso It’s still not quite short weather, with the warmest forecast for the next 10 days being 14 and 13 degrees respectively.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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