weather, wind | Bitter cold forecast: It will be very cold here

weather, wind |  Bitter cold forecast: It will be very cold here

A few days of mild weather were the exception rather than the rule. The recent period has been characterized by cold and stable winter weather in northern Norway. In stark contrast to the snow chaos in the south of the country.

It's the same reason that gives people in northern Norway heatstroke in the middle of summer: too much pressure on the kola.

– It offers sea breeze and stable weather. Inland areas usually get the coldest temperatures, explains state meteorologist Bernille Borander.

Less than Yr

Meteorologists predict that the cold will drop to an all-time low on Thursday. Then the degree scale can go up to minus 30 degrees inland. It was already minus 27 degrees in Purduefoss last night. It was actually slightly lower than the forecasts of, a popular weather service provided by the Meteorological Agency.

– Yr cannot capture very low temperatures, explains Borander.

– On Thursday, it may look like it will drop down to minus 30 degrees in the border areas. It is very possible. In Tromsø, we can get down to minus 15 degrees.

Here are some predictions for Thursday from Yr:

  • Tromsø: -14
  • Purduefos: -26
  • Nordkjosbotn:
  • Duration of Seat: -14
  • Sky bottom: -13
  • Putnham: -16
  • Major loss: -15
  • Overbuilt: -19
  • Storsteins: -14
  • Hansness: -11
  • Skjervøy -10
  • Finns: -11
  • Birdwarre: -13
  • Lingcided: -7

Weather forecast

On Thursday and Friday, the weather will change. Onshore winds are blowing and low pressure activity is increasing. Now there is more pressure in southern Norway.

– It will still be winter, but temperatures are rising, meteorologist Borander says.

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– And are you sure?

– Like a bank of course. The weather is changing. So it's always a bit exciting to follow how this sea breeze blows in trams. There could be some steady rain and then a little more snow than the forecast predicts.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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