Westerners prefer the new E16 to the E39 Hordfast – NRK Vestland

Westerners prefer the new E16 to the E39 Hordfast – NRK Vestland

When asked which transport scheme Westerners would prioritize, the answer is clear.

  • 70 percent of those asked wanted a new and better road on the E16 between Bergen and Voss.
  • 11 percent prefer a ferry-free road between Stord and Os (Hordfast).

This was revealed in a survey conducted by Norstat on behalf of NRK.

– The Bergen-Voss stretch is dangerous and, at worst, life-threatening. Vegetarians headed across the Stort towards Haugesund and Stavanger believe it’s good, trailer driver Kisl Fotland, who lives in Asterøy outside Bergen.

Kisle Fotland, Asteroi.

Kizil likes the break he gets on the Fodland boat.

Photo: Olav Rolli / NRK

Meets NRK on the ferry running between Halhjem and Sandvikvåg on the E39.

45 minutes across the fjord, he made the journey between Bergen and Stord, allowing for a break and two hours of travel time.

If Hardfast realizes, he will reach almost all of Stavanger at once. Without boats.

But this is not the most important thing for him.

– Lots of people travel along the E16, including children. Then the answer to what I should prioritize is clear to me, he says.

Accident at Stanghelle E16

The E16 connects Oslo with Bergen. This is not an unusual sight, now that Westerners want progress in the work of the new road.

Photo: Carl Martin Wallstrand

Hardfast: – Utopia

Both projects are huge transport projects with sky-high price tags.

Hardfast is calculated at almost NOK 46 billion.

According to the Norwegian Road Administration, the new E16 between Arna and Stanghell will cost 30.1 billion.

The E16 between Bergen and Voss is cited as Norway’s worst road.

It is the most landslide-prone European road in all of Norway.

– Bergen-Voz is a narrow road. It has to be prioritized, hardfast is utopia.

Kraftsalva Audilt Halvorsen hails from Hesjedal and is a member of the Hagre i Gwynherad party.

project Stord-Os (Hordfast) is one of Norway’s largest transport projects.

At the same time, it is one of the most discussed, and also one of the most expensive.

Both the natural encroachment and the over five kilometer bridge have fueled their anger.

– He believes that life is more important than voters rushing there from Hograve

Audilt Halvorsen Hesjedal,

A cup of coffee on a boat is good for Audilt Halvorsen Hesjedal. She calls the whole Hardfast a utopia and thinks E16 should be prioritized.

Photo: Olav Rolli / NRK

Passengers say no

NRK passengers who meet the new E16 on the ferry before Hordfast also like it.

– E16 is a very bad road. Besides, I don’t want to destroy the fjord with a bridge, says Selina Sæle. She often commutes between the municipality of Bjørnafjorden and Høgskulen på Vestlandet in Stort.

Nursing student there.

– I am against hardfast, at least now there is a solution, he says.

Ingrid Pedersen and Ida van der Hagen.  Midwifery students at Stort in Bergen.

Inger Pedersen and Ida van der Hagen from Stort will go to Bergen to be midwives. They wanted a bridge instead of a boat.

Selina Sale, Vilde Rinning, Halkeir Helgeson.  On a trip from Oz to Stord.

Selina Sæle, Vilde Rynning, Hallgeir Helgesen travel from Ös in Bjornafjorden to school and go to Stort. They think the boat is good, and don’t want to destroy the fjord with a bridge.

Ole Morton Simonson, trailer driver.

Ole Morton Simonson is a trailer driver. He believes there are worse roads in Norway than the E16 between Bergen and Vos. But I agree that something needs to be done there.

Torre Grave and Olav Annaniasen

Tore Grieve and Olav Annaniasen like each other on the ferry between Haljem and Sandvikvack. Grieve thinks you should build hardfast, Olav wants E16 first.

I think this is a clear order for Støre

In the political context, the survey results are not surprising.

– This is a clear signal for the Storting and the government to deliver on E16, says Stian Davies, Ap’s district mayoral candidate in Westland.

He believes that it is only natural that life and health are at the top of Westerners’ priority list.

– For Vestland Ap, a new road and route between Bergen and Voss is the most important thing. It’s about life and health, he says.

Within the Labor Party in western Norway, there is clear opposition to Hardpast.

At last winter’s annual meeting, a majority presented another route choice, preferring to abandon the heavy bridge.

– Right now, the Minister of Transport is clear that it is not relevant. But we need to work to make the project cheaper and less intrusive in nature, says Davis.

Hardfast Bridge

The approximately 5 kilometer long bridge will make the road between Stavanger and Bergen free of boats.

Photo: Norwegian Road Administration

Binds both parts

Liv Kari Eskeland (H), Hordfast supporter and member of the transport and communication committee in Storting, is not surprised by the result.

– Here you are asking what do you want to prioritize above, not what do you want to prioritize as project number two, he says.

Eskeland believes that both the new E16 and Hordfast can be built, and that it is Western Norway’s turn to get new roads.

– What are you going to get the money for?

– Let’s have a good discussion now at Starting about the next national transport plan. Hardfast is a ferry replacement project, which means money spent on ferry operations today will go into the project, he says.

She thinks the money goes elsewhere in the country if Hardfast doesn’t.

– Not many people want to go back to the time before I got it Triangular relationship And a new road between Bergen and Oz, he adds.

Halhjem-Sandvikvåg, here in Sandvikvåg.

About 200,000 passenger car units were transported across the fjord between Halhjem and Sandvikvåg on the E39 in July.

Photo: Olav Rolli / NRK

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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