Westland: – Windmill fire:

Westland: – Windmill fire:

Latest: At 21.10 the fire at Fitjar was reported to be out.

– We will be there for the guard work, but we will reduce the personnel, says Svein Nesse, commander of the guard, to the Bergens Detente newspaper.

A wildfire broke out at a wind farm in Fitzgerald municipality in Westland, and the South West Fire Service battled for several hours to bring the blaze under control.

– We have had a deed here since half past three. There is talk of fire in the countryside.

That's what Superintendent of Fire Services in the South West, Tor Corey Steinskog, told Talkblade on Sunday afternoon.

– He says that it is difficult to get to that place, so it will take some time to switch off.

Buildings shouldn't be at risk, but the area has steep and rugged terrain, which makes extinguishing work difficult, Steinskog says.

– A forest fire helicopter will arrive at the end. Civil defense and other fire brigades are on the spot, he added.

Egil Hansen found the fire on a flight from Stavanger to Bergen.

– I saw a lot of smoke rising and it spread over a large area. Burned so close to a windmill was special. I thought it might develop.

He filmed the forest fire from the plane window around 4pm on Sunday.

See also  - exciting and completely unexpected - NRK Nordland
Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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