What Norwegian movie do you think was the best of the year? – Culture and Entertainment NRK

What Norwegian movie do you think was the best of the year?  – Culture and Entertainment NRK

NB: vote Open until Friday, August 19 at 12.00.

It has been a year of a thrilling thriller through the eyes of Norwegians. With cinemas reopening and many of the blockbuster Norwegian films on the programme, audiences have shown that they yearn for experiences on the big screen.

new edition ofCinderella’ was mostly seen in cinemas With a staggering 600,000 visitors. More than twice as many Oscar nominees as “The Worst Person in the World”. Nor are the two alone in making a mark with good comments and visitor numbers.

Since it’s not the rolls of the dice and ticket sales that decide who gets People Amanda, you and the nrk.no audience get to decide. Until next weekend’s Amanda Show, one winner out of five in-cinema audience favorites will be voted on.

Log in to our website and vote for Folkets Amanda here!

Here are the finalists:

On the bad days

direction: Tommy Werkola. publisher: SF Norway.

A black comedy in the fashionable Tommy Wirkola style. The movie is packed with famous actors and was critically acclaimed upon its release. Although it was launched in the summer when movie theaters were still closed in the Oslo area, On the bad days Viewed out of 92,000.

It is interesting that Wirkola again attracts attention in Norwegian cinemas. It’s always been a well-known name among a certain segment of the audience, especially thanks to “Kill Buljo” and the two films “Død Snø,” says NRK film critic Birger Vistmo.

The funny and physically demanding roles of celebrities such as Aksel Hennie, Noomi Rapace and Atle Antonsen were good reasons behind the success of the movie.

“North Sea”

North Sea
Photo: Fantefilm Fiction / Nordisk Film Distribution

direction: John Andreas Andersen. publisher: North Film Distribution.

The latest prestigious project from director Jon Andreas Andersen and the company behind ‘The Wave’ and ‘The Quick’. With 229,000 visitors, it was clear that the audience was thirsty for more disaster films.

– The movie serves Vestmo says: A new thriller with impressive effects on a scale that’s hard to achieve on a Norwegian film budget.

Moreover, it was a stroke of genius to give the lead role to fiery Kristen Kogath Thorpe, who adds along with other strong cast “North Sea” Believable humanity enhances the audience’s sense of what is at stake.

Flat Long Balls III

Flat Long Ball III
Photo: Överste Hylle . Film Distribution

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direction: Harald Zwart. publisher: Top Shelf Film distribution.

14 years after the previous film, Harald Zwart continues a new story with his old acquaintance. Even without press screenings and the usual launch event, the film is still seen by 114,000 in cinemas. It’s not too weird, says NRK’s ​​film critic.

– sEspecially since the bulk of the cinema audience has more pleasant memories of the first two films from 2006 and 2008. D“ette” is a new popular comedy that doesn’t claim to be anything else, says Vestmo.

The film does well as relaxing entertainment on its own terms, with its simple sense of humor, fun characters, and warm descriptions of situations. Plus unexpected guest roles from a Norwegian princess and British pop star!

Three Nuts for Cinderella

Three pieces of Cinderella
Photo: Storm Films

direction: Cecily A. Mosley. publisher: North Film Distribution.

Did we need a new Norwegian version of the Czechoslovak Christmas favorite from 1973? With 597,000 movie tickets sold, the audience was clearly positive about the idea.

Three Nuts for Cinderella It builds on a lot of what we love about the original movie from 1973 that we watch on NRK1 every Christmas night, while at the same time having a sweet Disney aesthetic that appeals to the younger “Frost” generation, says Berger Fistmo.

– RDirector Cecilie A. Mosli created a fantastic adventure story, in which all the classic elements are in place, while Astrid S is just a princess in the main role.

The worst person in the world

direction: Joachim Trier. publisher: SF Studios.

The best-selling Norwegian film of the year was crowned with two Oscar nominations and a generous acting award at Cannes for Renate Rinzvi. Watch the movie Trier 262,000 in cinemas in this country.

Joachim Trier’s conclusion of the so-called Oslo Trilogy was my favorite of all the films I’ve seen in the last year. as I wrote in review The film follows in the footsteps of ‘Reprise’ and ‘Oslo 31 August’, a wonderful, warm, witty, and grown-up film about something that seems so ordinary, but at the same time so necessary and comprehensive, like life, death and love.

It will be interesting to see how many popular votes this film has received, says Berger Vestmo.

Which one do you think deserves Amanda’s popularity? Enter and vote here Until Friday, August 19. You must have an nrk.no user to be able to vote.

You can catch up on Amanda’s show on NRK.no and NRK2 on Saturday 20 August from 19.35.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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