What was the position of the Roman Reich? – A lot of Rome is stuck in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main

What was the position of the Roman Reich?  – A lot of Rome is stuck in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main
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On TikTok, a question directed at Männerwelt went viral. “Wie often denkst du ans Römische Reich?” This will make you feel tired. Even in Hesse there is still a lot of Rome.

Frankfurt – Alles started with them Post eines römischen Feldherrn. If you want to know what you want, it’s worth it. Swedish cosplayer “Gaius Flavius” posted Vergangen Woche on TikTok and Instagram einen Aufruf der sich an alle Frauen richtete. Sie sollten die Männer in ihrem Leben fragen, as is often the case with the Roman Reich. “You will be surprised by their answers.”

Gaius Flavius ​​likes to slip into Roman garb, which you only know so well from the movie or the Asterix comics – as a man, apparently. For a woman who imagines another Roman in all the roles she plays, it must be Anfang and her partner, Vater, Sohn or the sons who were having fun, which is often the case at the hands of the Roman Reich. A few days later, several videos appeared on TikTok, whether in English, German or other languages, featuring Männer eben jene Frage gestellt bekommen. “I can’t see the video you want to watch,” but users can’t use it to share it, but it’s safe to use the video. Die Verwirrung ist jedes Mal groß, wenn er kurz überlegt and dann sagt: “Not very often – it is only a pair of Mal a der Woche.”

What was the position of the Roman Reich?  – A lot of Rome is stuck in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main
In Rome, there are ancient ruins of ancient ruins. © IMAGO/Günter Nowak

“Do you know a lot about the Roman Reich?”: A viral post on TikTok – a verbal answer for women

In the comments below the videos, stop watching the Erdball hemisphere live stream. Das Ergebnis is located in the USA, in England, in the Deutschland überall dasselbe. One user says: “Now you know what to think when you ask him and she says: ‘No!'” “Ich bin immer noch so verwirt,” another person replied under the einem video caption. There is a lot of money in your home, such as Julius Caesar and Co. They often have them and face them, but often they can’t do it.

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Die frage hat es sogar schon on talk shows in the United States of America. There, one of the supervisors explains that enthusiasm for the “Roman Empire” came to many of the men from films such as “Gladiator” or “300.” There are other men who do not know the Roman political system or from Straßenbau to Aufhänger.

Römisches Reich stuck in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main – “Metropol” Nida

Was Dutch stuck on any reference to this historical obsession? Even in Germany, 2,000 years later, one finds many traces of the Romans, which go far beyond the ancient, deeply rooted Wunsch of many men, einmal Gladiator im Colosseum zu sein, hinausgeht.

In Frankfurt, for example, excavations around the Roman city of Nida ended this summer. “Wir müssen uns von dem Gedanken verabschieden, dass Nida ein kleines Provinzkaff war.” “It is a Metropol war,” Frankfurt’s director of antiquities, Andrea Hampel, said in July.

Frankfurt am Main was first founded in 794 by Karl dem Grossen as Franconford Mentioned. The picturesque main capital is located near Romeren around the hot, surrounded and charming Romerberg. Only Western war is blood-curdling devastation. It is only one fort, the Schön Sehr Fruh der Überquerker des Flusses diente und deshalb von economic and military in the sense of war.

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The popular romantic area of ​​Mainbrücken lies between Kastellen Großkrotzenburg and Hanau-Salisberg. Der Flussübergang provided the shortest connection between the two main cities Civitas Nida-Heddernheim (Civitas Taunensium) and Dieburg (Civitas Auderiensium) there. Due to its favorable topographic location, Siedlungsplatz has been visited several times since the early imperial period. This package contains a lot of German Einzel funds, which can be accessed directly from the German language. One fragment of ceramics from the time of Augustus may have been located in one of the houses besieged during the German war here. During the reign of Emperor Vespasian, Untermingebiet was again occupied by Römischen’s forces in the 70s AD. This may also be the case.

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The end of the Romans was completed by the conquest of Limona in 260 AD. There is no need to worry about the loss of life in the room. Parts of the Romanesque buildings were incorporated into the Merovingian Königshof, where it preceded the later Königspfalz.

Der Frankfurter Romer ist eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt.
Der Frankfurter Romer ist eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt. © Frank Rumpenhorst/DPA

Warum heißt der Römer in Frankfurt like this?

Der Begriff “Römer” ist für jeden Frankfurter omnipresent, autonomist Davon, ob er den Römerberg oder das Rathaus bezeichnet. But is it possible that Romer was the name given to him? Often werde angenommen, dass die Familie, die im Haus “Zum Römer” lived, diesen Namen trug und das Haus daher so genannt wurde, schreibt der “Brokenbauerien FrankfurtDazu. “Real war is all about stuff. As the population increased, it became necessary for the people to differentiate between them so that they had an additional name in addition to their first name. There are many people who have lost their homes, and there are no names in the house, in their home. Die Familie wurde also Römer genannt, weil sie im Haus “Zum Römer” lebte – und nicht andersherum.”

Das Haus “Zum Römer” probably got its name because of Italian merchants who have sold their products there since the Middle Ages during fairs on the ground floor. Rome was then considered synonymous with all of Italy.

The Roman Reich in the Rhine-Main-Gebet: Deutsche Limes-Straße quer durch Hesse

Der Limes was one of the Grenzanlage built by the Romans, and is over 500 kilometers long. The “Obergermanisch-Raetische Limes” runs from Rheinprol, south of Bonn, to Heinheim on the Danube near Regensburg and passes through the current federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Bavaria.

  • Hetuige Orte and Landkreise auf der Deutschen Limes-Straße in Hesse
  • Bad Schwalbach





    Bad Homburg, Salburg













    Landkreis Hochtaunskreis

    Landkreis Wetteraukreis
  • source: Deutsche Limesstraße
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In the state of Hesse View the Obergermanische Limes von Grebenroth (Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis) to Seligenstadt (Kreis Offenbach). The Wälle, Graben, Palisaden, Verstärk duch Kastelle and Kleinkastelle are considered to be the Varaustige and Wachttürmen, a nature park located in the Main district. In the state of Hesse, the Lemon River passes over the richly forested Taunus region and forms a large arc to enclose the fertile Wetterau region.

TikTok-Trend “Römisches Reich”: Amazing women, men watch all the old rums

Die Relikte and Erfindungen der Römer sind auch im Jahr 2023 noch allgegenwärtig – und dieser Text hat bei weitem nicht den Anspruch, das gesamte Römische Reich in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main abzubilden. Instead, we should take a quick look at what many men seem to present on a daily basis as women.

The TikTok community is already discussing the next big question: Where do indigenous women constantly think, what is Männerverblüfft dastehen lässt? (Christoph Sahler)

This article was provided with automated review for better understanding and was declined approval by the editor, Christoph Sahler.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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