– What we think is the best offer – E24

– What we think is the best offer – E24

Following Danske Bank's exit from the retail market, from today Handelsbanken will take over the offer for the association's 213,000 members.

They were found together: Einar Espolen Jonsson, Managing Director of Akademikerne Pluss, and Country Manager Arild Andersen at Handelsbanken Norge.
Published: Published:

105,000 members in Tecna and 108,000 members in the ten affiliated unions Academics PlusAcademics PlusNorwegian Medical Association, Norwegian Dental Association, Norwegian Veterinary Association, Norwegian Association of Psychologists, Norwegian Association of Lecturers, Social Scientists, Natural Scientists, Association of Architects, Social Economists, National Association of Military School-Educated Officers. A new banking agreement with Handelsbanken was introduced today.

Under the new agreement, members will be offered a mortgage interest rate of 5.49 percent.

Danske Bank announced its exit from the Norwegian private market in June last year.

Nordea buys private clients' businesses, while Handelsbanken takes over profitable businesses academicacademicMajor association of Norwegian trade unions for people with higher education from a university or science university.-an agreement.

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According to civilian economist Halger Kvadsheim, the agreement was important for Danske Bank's role as a price pressure on the Norwegian market.

In the new agreement, which takes effect on January 1, members get the same loan terms they had at Danske Bank the day before, Handelsbanken says.

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– Members get what we believe is the best offer in the Norwegian market with attractive rates, financial advice and award-winning service, says Country Director Arild Andersen at Handelsbanken Norge in a press release.

Waiting for increased demand

On March 1, the interest rate increase announced by Handelsbanken will take effect.

At that time, members will receive a loan rate 0.04-0.08 percentage points lower than they would have at Danske Bank, with the rate increases announced by Danske Bank, according to Handelsbanken.

We are proud and happy of the trust that the associations have placed in us. These are important, long-term agreements for us, and we look forward to giving the association members a really good banking experience and a good, attractive long-term offer,” says Andersen.

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Handelsbanken is responsible for the Akademiker Agreement

It is now up to the members whether they want to take advantage of the offer. Handelsbanken states that it has a “significantly increased capacity” to handle the expected influx.

– Under this agreement, members do not have to pursue tempting offers, constantly check the market, bargain – or change banks more than now when setting up. Andersen says the associations did this for them.

– New and better

The agreement is good, says Managing Director Einar Espolín Johnson of Akademikerne Pluss in the press release.

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– We have replaced an important agreement in the Norwegian banking market for several years with a new and better agreement. Johnson says this agreement combines good terms with first-class advice and customer service.

technologytechnologyIt organizes members with a master's degree in technology, science or natural sciences. It is by far the largest trade union in academia with 105,000 members.

– We are pleased to be able to offer our members a strong and long-term partner that gives them a complete banking offer in one of the best market agreements over time, says Tekna General Secretary Line Henriette Holten in the press release.

Danske Bank has had an agreement with Akademikerne since 2015.

In July, it became clear that Nordea would buy Danske Bank's private client business in Norway and acquire approximately 285,000 clients.

The large Danish bank wanted to sell because of the challenges it faced in achieving satisfactory profitability.

The Norwegian Competition Authority was initially skeptical, citing the risk of weak competition in the Norwegian banking market. The mortgage market in particular was highlighted.

In mid-December, the takeover was approved by the supervisory authority, which concluded that it would not prevent effective competition.

VG is the majority owner of E24. Hallgeir Kvadsheim continued maxsocial, It is wholly owned by VGTV AS.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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