When did man learn to walk on two legs? Researchers think we may still be living in trees – NRK Trøndelag

When did man learn to walk on two legs?  Researchers think we may still be living in trees – NRK Trøndelag

The ability to walk, stand and run on two legs is called bipedalism. This is a defining feature of us humans.

The question is fair when Our first relatives mastered this art?

Some believe it happened when we “crept” away from the trees and established ourselves on the ground. In this way, it will be easier for us to make good use of the large and open spaces.

But now researchers from the United States and Great Britain have come up with a new theory. They believe that we first learned to walk on two legs while still living in the treetops.

The new study has been published in the journal Science advances.

What should the scene say?

Fiona Stewart is an anthropologist at University College London. New results say Not Supports the theory that we got up and walked as we “left” the trees.

They must have arrived at this by studying the behavior of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania.

These monkeys live in Wadi Isa. The area is a mixture of open, dry savannah landscapes with few trees and a few patches of woodland.

Thus, such topography would be useful for study in relation to previous theories. Do these chimpanzees spend more time on the ground than others of their kind? Was it possible to encourage such a scene to walk on two legs in Hominids?


Chimpanzee is a type of primate in the family of great apes. Animal species, along with the pygmy chimpanzee, also called bonobos, show the greatest resemblance to humans.

Photo: Liran Samuni/AP

On two legs to find food

Chimpanzees today are our closest living relatives. Researchers believe that understanding how their behavior varies in different habitats can help us understand the environmental factors behind bipedalism.

They analyzed the movements and postures of chimpanzees in Wadi Isa. These were then compared with data from a previous study of chimpanzees living in dense forest areas.

Monkeys were studied for 15 months. For each observation of bipedal walking, the chimpanzee’s relative position was recorded.

The results showed, among other things, that despite the different habitats, Issa chimpanzees spent no less time in trees than other monkeys. More than 85 percent of the observed events of bipedalism occurred in trees. Mainly when chimpanzees were foraging.

Will search further

The new study thus indicates that open terrain was not a catalyst for the evolution of bipedalism.

Trees and foraging were probably essential to this evolution, says researcher and co-author Alex Bell In a press release.

However, he believes that more research will be required before it can be determined whether our ancestors behaved in a similar way.

– What made us hang from the branches first, and then wander across the savannah, Bill asks.

Wadi Isa is located in western Tanzania in Africa. It is located in the Rift Valley region of East Africa.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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