Wind Energy, Energy Development | Can we trust Heim SP?

Wind Energy, Energy Development |  Can we trust Heim SP?

reader speech This is an entry in the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the views of the author.

It is clear that the mayor and management of Heim SP are now trying to open a new huge wind power development in Heim municipality in connection with the processing of a new spatial plan. This is despite the fact that in the last elections they promised the voters something else. Concluding this breach of promise in vague formulations about developing an energy strategy does not change the fact that if the municipality first opens the door wide to wind energy development through a spatial plan, it is like letting the fox into the hen house. Then it becomes immediately difficult to stop the process if that is what the majority of the population wants. It is therefore important for the SP to turn around in this situation and stick to his previous promises so as not to do more damage to the party. Then they can make wind energy development their winning cause in the next municipal election.

Because of course it is legitimate to vote for the further development of wind energy on Earth. It is legitimate to think otherwise. But it is not legitimate to cheat this one in the back door.

Irreversible major natural interventions

What distinguishes wind energy development is the scale of the natural interventions. It is a form of renewable energy production with the greatest apparent harm to nature and the environment per kWh produced. Development in just one of these five proposed areas would mean encroachment on nature that would put all other encroachments on nature in the municipality in the shadows – including cottage building. And then I’m not thinking mainly about visual pollution for us humans, but what this does for organisms that live in nature. Imagine a habitat for birds and game that changes from a peaceful nature to an industrial area with roads, movements, noises and bright lights at night. Obviously, this has a negative effect. How long will be determined because the precautionary principle does not apply here.

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Let the people decide

Therefore, there are many who are strongly against it. So this is a matter of great importance that people should have their say before opening the door to wind energy development. And the occasion for that in the next municipal elections. I suppose both the mayor and the leadership of Heim SP and the presidency are so democratic minded that they see the point and act accordingly. It is not enough to say that we have just launched an investigation now based on breach of promise and then we can say yes or no later.

locally produced energy

It is also said that we need to develop more strength in Heim municipality in order to facilitate new workplaces and in particular the expansion in Wacker Holla. If we are to follow this logic, Wacker Holla must wait until there is new wind energy development in Heim municipality before they can make their investment decisions. It may take a few years. Or is this just an alternative argument? Because it is said on Wacker’s own website that the decision will be made this year.

The main point is that energy must be produced locally for us to benefit from it. This is of course completely wrong, but it is a widely used argument to justify the development of wind power. The same argument was used when the famous decisions were made about the massive development of wind energy that we received in our part of the country. One of them is Geitfjellet. In order to be able to export all this wind energy outside the region, a new 420 kV high voltage line was built at a cost of 5 billion from Namsos to Trollheimen. This passes near Wacker Holla and crosses the E39 at Stormyra.

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In fact, all this wind power development has only increased exports abroad – until now. Because we had and still have a great surplus of power in this country. So why not battle it out to get a piece of that pie before the surplus energy is used up for data centers and battery factories?

energy strategy

It is clear that the mayor wants to develop an energy strategy for the municipality of Heim and that is fine, but of course it is not possible or justified to do it in a few weeks. At the risk of knocking open doors – here is a suggestion for some points in this energy strategy that will contribute to reduced emissions and that do not require the development of new wind power:

Starting a process against Statnett and demanding a transformer station be built in Stormyra so that Heim municipality can also get its share of the “short distance wind” already developed in our vicinity.

Beginning to plan the establishment of a freight station for heavy transport, for example. In Stormyra / Vinjeøra. Battery electric trucks and trailers are coming, hence the need for large capacity charging stations. Here, workplaces can be created to operate and service heavy transport in the future.

Asking Statnett to investigate a new line from Stormyra to Kyrksæterøra and Wacker Holla if the augmented network is necessary to cover future needs for expansion.
in connection with this; Also check out Wacker Holla’s Waste Heat Use for Kyrksæterøra’s Heating Needs and see these two measures in conjunction. If it seems too expensive, compare it to the network costs of a wind farm.

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And of course – focus on energy efficiency, geothermal heating and solar energy.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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