Wind energy is an inevitable winner in the energy supply of the future

Wind energy is an inevitable winner in the energy supply of the future

Other countries are in the process of getting a lot of green energy from wind power, at a very competitive cost.

The applicant believes that the choice of future energy sources is as important as the development of hydroelectric power plants and oil fields of his time. The photo shows the Guleslettene wind farm in Premanger and Keene municipalities.
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This is the topic of discussion. The post was written by an outside contributor, and quality assurance by BT’s Debating Department. Opinions and analyzes are the property of the author.

we are facing Significant challenges lie in our ambition to create a greener, zero-emissions Norway, and tough choices must be made for the time ahead.

The electrification of transport on the land and the Norwegian continental shelf, combined with an accelerating global environmental challenge, requires that we increase our production of green and sustainable energy, despite all the protests.

recognized method To calculate production costs for energy use “Standard Energy Cost” (LCOE), which takes into account basic investment costs over a period of time, as well as ongoing operations and maintenance costs.

So NVE has looked at different alternatives From today until 2030. Today, hydroelectric power costs 35-39 øre/kWt, and land-based wind turbines are about 30 øre. For example, solar energy more than doubled due to higher investment costs.

Andre Seter writes that we will need more green energy in the future.

What options stand? We encountered in sustainable development?

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  • Simplification of current hydropower production: according to Study from NTNU We can increase withdrawal by 15 to 20 percent. But this also has an environmental price, as it presupposes more tributaries and water in the catchment area, as well as improved facilities. The future cost of hydropower will be as it is today, 35-40 øre/kWt, According to NVE.
  • Wind energy on Earth: This has relatively significant environmental consequences, a lot of visuals and some encroachment on nature and the destruction of diversity and bioenvironments. However, NVE predicts that by 2030 the cost of wind power production will be only two-thirds of hydropower.
  • Offshore wind energy: Greater investment costs and increased complexity in operation and maintenance make NVE believe in cost from a longer perspective at 51-68 øre/kWtDepending on the technology choices. It is clearly more expensive than the land-based alternatives, but with less intrusive natural consequences. There may also be potential to reduce costs as technology develops further.
The development of onshore wind energy has faced strong opposition in recent years. Pictured, BKK is encouraged to put its wind energy projects on hold.

We are proud of our green energy from hydropower, but when you look at the broad developments in wind energy in the rest of the world, we see that other countries are in the process of getting a lot of green energy from wind energy, at a very competitive cost.

Choosing energy sources for Norway’s future is an important choice. In my view, this is as important as it was when we started building our own hydropower plants or took control of the continental shelf with fishing, oil and gas resources.

here we stand Today also in relation to energy development – both on land and on our continental shelf. What will happen is my intervention for the whole country, and the Norwegian state must be aware of its responsibility and ensure proper control and disposal of our common resources.

This is something we must own and develop as a nation, not allowing foreign commercial interests to take over and extract our national values, leaving us as tenants in our own country.


Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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