Windows 11 may give you poor performance – how to fix it

Windows 11 may give you poor performance – how to fix it

VBS worsens your performance by up to 28 percent.

Windows 11 operating system.

Windows 11 was introduced by Microsoft in June of this year, and it has already started rolling out new PCs and existing Windows 10 PCs that can be updated to the new operating system. Now, however, the reports Tech Spot That the new operating system contains functionality that can significantly degrade your performance – especially performance in games.

According to the website, performance in games can be reduced by up to 28 percent if you leave the Virtualization Security (VBS) function active. This is a new security feature that can, among other things, prevent hackers from planting hidden hostile programs among your regular programs.

At the same time, this function was also present in Windows 10, but then only in the enterprise version of the operating system. With Windows 11, Microsoft wants all versions of Windows to have the same security software, so VBS has found its way into the consumer version as well.

At the same time, the performance loss should be greater on older processors, but we won’t go very far back before you see the numbers we talked about earlier.

TechSpot reports that first-generation Ryzen and 10th-generation Intel processors and above will be hit the hardest, while all-new processors will lose about five percent of their performance.

Since quite a few PCs will be able to upgrade to Windows 11 – even PCs with much older hardware than the ones we mentioned above – they may pretend that many of them will have a VBS problem soon.

Microsoft, rightly, recommends that most manufacturers actively turn over their devices with VBS, but they also allow devices to be delivered with this turned off.

However, older devices that have been upgraded to Windows 11 from Windows 10 will generally turn off the functionality by default, unless it is already enabled in Windows 10.

The latter will be mainly the case in business machines.

On new devices, VBS will, as a rule, be activated by default. And if you want to turn it off, you have to follow the following points:

  • go to the Privacy and security
  • Initiate Windows Security
  • Initiate Basic isolation details
  • turns off memory safety
  • Reboot the device

Then you need to go to Device Security, where you can choose to turn Memory Integrity on and off.

For more information on alternative and more complex ways to disable or remove functions from Windows 11, see TechSpots Article – commodity.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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