Women’s Day, March 8 | I will fight for women until the day I no longer breathe

Women’s Day, March 8 |  I will fight for women until the day I no longer breathe

– It is not often that I am provoked, but after reading the report submitted to the NKVTS (National Knowledge Center on Violence and Psychological Stress), one in five women reported that they had been raped. The latest report from the NOU Women’s Health Committee, which states that women’s health is not taken seriously – Helen Abenes Matri, chair of the March 8 Committee in Fredrikstad continues, made me want to roar loudly.

Helen Abenes Matri is responsible for women’s policy in the Fredrikstad Labor Party and is central to the March 8 Committee.

This is how Women’s Day will be – check out the program from the March 8th Committee

Events in collaboration with other players:

12.00: Fredrikstad Library

I Write to Understand (The Author’s Interview with Mitt Werner)

17.00: Litteraturhuset

Stempel (15-19 years old) celebrates Women’s Day with Enas Al-Shamairty

18.00: Fredrikstad cinema

Jean Dillmann, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

19.00: Litteraturhuset

Shabana’s legacy

Demonstration train

17.00: Fredrikstad Library

The Drummer Girls pleas and lay flowers on the statue of Katie Anker Mueller

Demonstration train From Fredrikstad Library to Stortorvet. Main slogan: Solidarity with the women of the world

After the train: Free coffee shop with simple service at Fountain House

Want to take back the word

She welcomes everyone to celebrate Women’s Day with them on one condition: be a feminist!

– I think a lot of people are afraid of the word feminist. You imagine a radical, hysterical woman, says Mona Nord-Johansen, who volunteers at Fontenehuset.

– I want us to take back the word. Feminism for me wants equality and justice, regardless of gender.

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Fountain House in Fredrikstad

Fredrikstad Fountain House It is a low-threshold, action-oriented club for people who have or have faced mental health challenges.

Everyone in the home is a member – and both members and staff must work together as equals.

Fontenehuset is run by a foundation, and there are over 300 such homes around the world that are all run in the same way. 22 opened so far in Norway,

Fontenehuset will hold an appeal during the actual marking and will open the house for a free café and light refreshments after the demonstration train, which departs from Fredrikstad Library to Stortorvet at 17.00.

– We did it for the first time last year, and it was a success! We had no doubt that we would cooperate with the March 8 Committee again this year. Mona says we are very proud of this collaboration.

lack of research

There is a lack of research on women’s health. We want to be loud about it, says Helen Berg-Arahamsen at Fontenehuset and mentions, among other things, endometriosis – a women’s health ailment that has received a lot of attention in the past year.

Fredrikstad Fountain House It is a low-threshold, action-oriented club for people who have or have faced mental health challenges.

First time

For the first time, Dialogforum Fredrikstad comes out into the public space and will be part of the demonstration train.

  • Dialogforum is a resource and competency center for religious dialogue and intercultural interaction.

– We’re so excited! Many of the people we spoke to had never ridden trains before, nor were they used to it. Everyone who is part of the women’s group is invited, Marit Torp of Dialogforum says, but it’s open to all.

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Women’s group in Fredrikstad – under the auspices of Dialogforum Østfold

Founded in 2020, the women’s group in Fredrikstad meets four times a year: twice in the spring and twice in the fall. In addition, together with the women’s group in Sarpsborg, they organize a larger women’s symposium every autumn, for women from all over Ostfold.

An encounter across faith and culture

The Dialogue Forum contains three core values: community, tolerance and respect.

– We focus on being human. We want to empower every individual. In the women’s group, we meet across religion and culture, she says. Helen adds.

– This is exactly what we think is very important, and the main motto on the train!

– He must fight for women

Helen believes women deserve celebration and a day of celebration. This year they expanded and started celebrating a little earlier with events up front.

– We will develop that further next year, she says and adds:

– We have to fight for women every day. We cannot take women’s rights for granted.

Mona from Fontenehuset is also clear in her speech:

I will fight for women until the day I no longer breathe.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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