On Thursday, many Norwegians woke up to unusually cold temperatures in many parts of southern Norway. It’s a northerly wind and – ironically – a cloudless sky, explains meteorologist Bernil Borander.
– In the mountains, it quickly falls below freezing in summer. The same is true throughout the summer. Climbers of the 2,000-meter peaks probably experienced everything and experienced snowfall throughout the summer, Borander, a meteorologist at the Meteorological Institute, told VG.
However, a little less normal was that it was colder at a much lower altitude.
– Temperatures this morning were relatively cool in the lowlands as well. Aurskog – not far from Oslo – recorded the lowest temperature at 4.7, says the meteorologist.
According to Borander, the same applies to many places in southern Norway.
– It is associated with the north wind. While the weather is clear, cold winds blow from the north. Clouds act as a covering for the earth. If you don’t have a duvet, most of the heat disappears into the atmosphere, he says:
– Then you need an extra wool sweater in the morning.
The same absence of clouds that make the morning chilly gives the sun a chance to do what they do best all day long: shine.
According to Borander, large parts of the country can expect good weather, especially over the weekend.
– It will be a nice summer day in all of southern Norway, including western Norway. In July they had many gray and wet days. Today we can say that we will have a beautiful summer in western Norway, he says.
– In the north, it was simply a wet day. Lenangsstraumen in Trams was the wettest area with 78.2mm of rain since yesterday. 05.00 to today 05.00. It has rained, cats, dogs, horses and what not, says the meteorologist.
But there is hope in the north, the meteorologist explains.
– Now sunny weather is coming to Northern Norway too! High pressure has spread across the country. Dry summer weather and few days of sun. On Saturday in particular, summer temperatures will be good across northern Norway, finishing Borander as the “weather winner” of the weekend, says Trendeläk.
– On Saturday, Trendelák can get 26.27 degrees, he says.
Do you remember this? The meteorologist’s clip went around the world.
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