You Should Think This When Changing Your Mobile Phone – Guide

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Five tips to make switching between mobile phones easier and better.

There are many things you should keep in mind when switching cell phones.  Illustrative image.

The trend in the Norwegian mobile market over the past decade has been the decreasing replacement of the mobile fleet for most people. Since about the turn of the millennium, Norwegians have moved, on average, from, Change the phone every year or every two years Until now every three years. Technology and price are both contributing factors.

In any case, it means that your choice when choosing a phone is now something that will follow you longer and mean more than it did before, and then the right choice becomes even more important.

Of course “correct” can mean very different things to different people, but there are still some things that repeat themselves when you think about changing your mobile phone. And not all of these factors have to end in a key either. Maybe you can fix the mobile phone you already have in a completely different way?

In this guide, we review five things you should consider in regards to changing a mobile, no matter what you choose in the end or starting point.

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Disconnect and switch!

Changing the battery in older phones can be very smart.

Before we get started with the tips, we have to start with a question: Maybe you can simply fix the phone you already have?

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There are many advantages to this, and it is not as useless as you might immediately think. Simple operations like changing the battery are actually not very difficult even for the common man, and can significantly increase the life of your phone. And if you don’t want to do it yourself, you can always get a professional workshop to do it.

In case we wrote about this, We made an old iPhone 30 percent faster Simply by changing the battery – plus the fact that it has a much better battery life.

Old batteries struggle to deliver enough juice to the other parts of the mobile phone, as the voltage (volts) in the battery drops over time. So this is definitely a very easy way to make an old mobile phone faster and more stable.

It’s also not particularly expensive, even if you do it at a professional repairman. Even for very new mobile phones We’re quickly talking about a little over a thousandAnd some old phones It only costs a few hundred shillings. The links above are just examples from two different repair shops, and there are many, many other offers at different price levels.

It is of course also possible to change things other than the battery, but then it quickly gets expensive and doesn’t necessarily have a huge impact on the user experience in terms of stamina and speed. So, replacing the battery is what we want to highlight here.

The OnePlus Nord 2T is an example of a mobile that offers a lot for the money, and is a perfect fit if performance is your main focus.

The following tip may sound a bit cliched, but you’ve probably heard friends or family complain that they wish they had a phone that could do X things, but couldn’t. If you are a guy (or girl) who is very interested in creating video content for TikTok or other platforms, it is also important that your phone is good at video recording.

And if you then choose a mid-range model with poor stability and poor light sensitivity, you may soon be disappointed. At the same time: if you are not interested in photography, but rather play a lot of mobile games, then this is a completely different need. And phones that can do one of these things well can’t necessarily log into the other.

For example, Apple’s most expensive iPhone models Famous for being good for capturing video clips withbut for the games it is beyond doubt You better have ROG 6.

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Obviously, your needs also influence the price level that you have to go for in order to get a good mobile phone. So, if you can determine that the camera is not entirely relevant to your mobile experience, you can quickly save thousands of kroners by choosing a mobile where that is not the focus.

Maybe a mid-range mobile with a lightning-fast processor is right up your alley? What about the OnePlus Nord 2T?

OnePlus Nord 2T

OnePlus Nord 2T

The Galaxy S21 Ultra is an expensive mobile phone, but if it meets your needs, it will also last you for a long time.

“What or what? This point is the exact opposite of the previous one!”

Yes, but no either. Don’t get us wrong: you have to choose the phone that best suits your needs, but there’s also a completely different factor that affects that need: time.

The phone is supposed to last at least three years, given the stats we referenced earlier in the guide. Hence it is annoying if it doesn’t get updates and stops working after 2 years. More advanced models are often easier to repair and also have better durability than simpler models, simply because more time and effort was spent on making the phone in the first place.

Popular models that sell a lot will also get a better supply of parts for a few years after the phone was new. But first of all, we’d like to point out that a phone you’re very happy with in the first year after purchase will have bigger and bigger challenges in keeping you satisfied (and fast) the longer time passes.

This does not mean that you need to buy the smartest model with the largest storage capacity so that you can have a good mobile phone for several years to come. But maybe it’s wise to consider buying last year’s model or a mid-range model that’s a bit more expensive and very fast at the moment, so it simply stays fast even two years later.

Bartering can get expensive quickly.  switch too.

This is probably a topic for many people, as phones bought with an agreement with a company like Telenor or Telia often get much more expensive over time than phones bought freely without a tie. Examples of such agreements are Svitj and Swap, which allow you to change cell phones annually and apparently give you some cash back on your old cellphone.

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But over time this becomes very expensive.

We recently wrote an article called “Cut Out Switch and Swap!” And this is not without reason. In short, they “force” you to change cell phones a lot more than you actually need, and this ties you into a type of ownership that over time will hit you a lot more money than a direct purchase and separate subscription will.

Yes, to buy a phone with an operator bond is of course a lock for this operator. And then you can’t always choose the cheapest or the best provider.

So buy the phone separately, don’t enter into any agreement and don’t pay in installments unless you get a very good deal.

If you change cell phones, it's a good idea that the phones don't have time to root before you're done sharing information.

Well, you’ve decided what new model you’re going to get, and the time horizon for when this mobile changeover will happen is getting closer and closer. What should you do beforehand?

Many people hardly spend much energy preparing for a mobile change, and take it as is. This can be a huge mistake quickly, at least if time is running out. If you want to transfer everything from your contacts, photos, SMS conversations, and accounts to the new phone, there is a lot that can take longer than you think.

First, it can be tricky to copy all of these things separately to begin with, and if you want to transfer, say, your SMS conversations, you need the help of a separate app to get it right. Especially for Android users.

But the most important thing is to prepare for the transfer of images and media content, as this can take a long time to upload to the cloud and then download again. Or simply transfer to a memory stick or computer in the meantime.

There is also no automatic transfer of all accounts, emails, calendars or contacts to a new phone. Both Apple and Google offer syncing between different phones linked to the same iCloud or Google account, but these are also things you should activate and actively sync to the cloud before switching. Not everything is saved automatically – especially if you’re short on space in the cloud and don’t have an additional subscription.

If you have an iPhone without a large iCloud subscription, the easiest way to transfer is to connect the phone to a computer with a cable and use iTunes (yes, iTunes) to create a backup of the old phone. You can then use it to restore the new phone with it, so that all the content is transferred. Just be sure to encrypt your backup with a password so that things like health data and passwords are also included.

If you do this beforehand, you won’t have to sit for an entire day waiting for it to load (and possibly interrupt in the middle because you have to leave the house), and it will make the whole switching process much smoother.

Good luck and God bless you!

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This is how to make your mobile phone battery last

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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