Young people are getting fatter and more electric scooters:

Young people are getting fatter and more electric scooters:

The sun rises with the Bartson family in Laksevåg in Bergen when they watch TV 2 in late March.

– I’m going to ride a bike today, aren’t I? At the breakfast table Dad tells Carl Morton Partson (50) and Mates (15)

Even though the thermometer is still going blue, Mats’ dad says the weather for cycling today is pretty good. But that did not stop Mats from getting on the bike.

He seems to be completely alone.

Bicycles: At the end of March, Mats Partson was the only person to cycle from Junior High School to Holme School.  Other students used electric scooters.  Photo: Keer Johnny Honight / TV2

Bicycles: At the end of March, only Mats Partsen rode his bicycle to school from Junior High School in Holm School. Other students used electric scooters. Photo: Keer Johnny Honight / TV2

The case of 15-year-old Mates was first mentioned in a controversial post in the newspaper B.D..

Scooter triggers

TV 2 follows Mats on a bicycle to Holan Elementary and Low School in Bergen. The newly renovated school has good facilities – including a brand new bicycle parking that can accommodate up to 200 bicycles.

Many of his classmates passed us on electric scooters as the Mats rammed his bike and locked it with a little cold fingers. Others are walking up the hill from a nearby bus stop.

– Very scary

– Cycling was the usual way to get to and from school in my childhood, but now that seems to have changed. I have a strong suspicion about these electric scooters because Dad tells Matz that they have never been before.

Bicycles Alone: ​​It was like this when TV 2 went to Hollen School at the end of March.  Mats Partson, 15, was the only one who went to school on a bicycle.  Other students used electric scooters.  Photo: Wilde Rold / TV2

Bicycles Alone: ​​It was like this when TV 2 went to Hollen School at the end of March. Mats Partson, 15, was the only one who went to school on a bicycle. Other students used electric scooters. Photo: Wilde Rold / TV2

Many researchers agree with Matz’s father and insist that the scary development should be taken seriously.

– It is definitely not good for kids and teens to exchange for walking or cycling. The body was created for use, it must be used, Jல்rl Berg is frustrated.

He holds a PhD from a hospital in Westfold, and studies the effects of obesity and physical activity on morbidity.

Frightening: Today's children and young people are less physically active than before, says researcher Jarl Berg.  This can have serious consequences.  Photo: Alexander Michaelbast / TV2

Frightening: Today’s children and young people are less physically active than before, says researcher Jarl Berg. This can have serious consequences. Photo: Alexander Michaelbast / TV2

Report Havas Since 2020, Europe has focused on physical activity among children and adolescents aged 11 to 15, showing an unfortunate growth: four out of five meetings No. It is recommended to stay physically active for 60 minutes every day. Statistics continue to fall, the researcher says.

As far as TV 2 is concerned, there is no reliable research to confirm that electric scooters are the cause of low physical activity in children and young people. Nevertheless, the researcher believes that transport mechanisms are one of many obvious sacrifices.

– Berg says it’s scary and dangerous.

The kids are plump

Health tests Ung-Hunt4 And Hunting It shows that less than 40 percent of Norwegian teenagers achieve national goals for daily physical activity. In addition, the number of Norwegian youth struggling with obesity and overweight has increased in recent years.

– When children and adolescents with minor physical activity reach the age of 30, it can lead to a number of consequences, which can have a devastating effect on the worst condition. So I was very shocked when I saw the trend around the community, says Berg to TV2.

Do not apply black paint to the electric scooter

According to the Elektronikkbransjen Foundation, in 2019, 60,000 electric vehicles such as electric scooters, hoverboards and stand-up bicycles were sold to Norwegian consumers.

In two years, interest has exploded, and sales figures for electric vehicles are estimated to reach 230,000 by 2021.

TV2 has been in contact with many young people who often carry scooters. They think it is more convenient to go to school on a scooter than to walk.

Wager Rangul also believes that care should be taken to paint the electric scooter completely black.

Great interest: Interest in electric vehicles such as scooters has exploded in recent years.  On the other hand, many researchers are concerned that their use may contribute to inactivity in children and adolescents.  Photo: Jill England / NDP

Great interest: Interest in electric vehicles such as scooters has exploded in recent years. On the other hand, many researchers are concerned that their use may contribute to inactivity in children and adolescents. Photo: Jill England / NDP

He is an Associate Professor at NTNU and conducts research on physical activity and health among the Norwegian population.

– We know that replacing the car with an electric scooter results in better physical functions. On the other hand, physical activity is significantly reduced in those who use a regular bike electric bike, Rangul warns.

Parents should be responsible

Jarley Berg, who has been researching the impact of morbid obesity and physical activity at a hospital in Westfold, is now coming up with a clear incentive for parents.

Despite the fact that children and young people today are less physically active than ever before, the researcher believes that this trend can still be reversed – and seemingly simpler activities.

– It is important for parents to be vigilant and they reflect on the importance of using bones rather than using other means of transportation for various activities, the researcher says.

Berg reminds parents that they are a great role model for their children, and that children and young people learn by observing the preferences of adults.

– If adults use the bike or legs instead of going to work in the morning, it will have a good effect on children. Then you change a habit with the kids, he says, so they can carry it on into adulthood.

– It’s easy and alert.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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