Young researchers get $191 million from Research Council

Young researchers get 1 million from Research Council


The Research Council awarded a total of NOK 191 million to young research talents this year. One of those who has stepped into the eye of the needle is Professor Kay Arne Hansen, who received $7.8 million for research into hip-hop.

Professor Kai Arne Hansen at Høgskolen i Innlandet will lead a research project on the role of hip-hop in modern Norway. Funding for the project is now in place.

In total, the Research Council received 98 applications with a total value of NOK 772 million when the application deadline for the Thematic Calls for Young Research Talents ended in February this year.

A total of 24 applications were approved and they received a total of NOK 191.7 million. The first received responses in June and July, while six applications under the theme “Well-being, culture and society” totaling NOK 48 million were approved in September.

In addition, there is a Freebro Prize for young research talents not related to a specific topic. Here, the award will come within two weeks, according to the research council.

It can apply to five topics

The allocated funds will give young research talents under the age of 40 the opportunity to pursue their own ideas and lead a research project.

Researchers can apply after two to seven years of defending and demonstrating the ability to conduct research of high scientific quality, according to the announcement.

Applications can be submitted on five different topics: (1) Energy, Transport and Low Emissions, (2) Oceans, (3) Natural Sciences and Technology, (4) Education and Efficiency and (5) Well-Being, Culture and Society.

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Young research talents receive NOK 8 million each

Looking forward to Hamar

Professor Kai Arne Hansen at Høgskolen i Innlandet in Hamar smiled broadly when it became clear that he was one of the six to receive an award in the field of social care, culture and society. He received $7.85 million to research the importance of hip-hop music in modern Norway. The title of the project is “Exploring social policy, inclusive education, and cultural democracy through the lens of Norwegian hip-hop.”

He is accompanied on the project by Hansen’s colleague and music professor Live Weider Ellefsen, as well as researchers from the University of Brighton, the University of Bristol and Nord University.

The project will investigate the aesthetic, social and political dimensions of Norwegian hip-hop, as an entry point to understanding how people react to cultural changes and societal challenges, Hansen tells

He goes on to say:

– This includes, among other things, examining how artists relate to themes such as gender, sexuality and racism, as well as examining how music is received by audiences and exploring its many meanings for both children, young people and adults.

All 24 projects receive up to NOK 8 million each. Researchers at the Marine Research Institute received funding for four projects, while Sintef researchers and researchers at the University of Oslo received funding for three projects in this year’s call for proposals.


I found 1.6 billion. — Avoids disaster for Norwegian research

These have passed through the eye of a needle:

  • Scandinavian: Reducing digital inequality: Migrants not in education and training struggle for digital inclusion and meaningful outcomes. 8000000.
  • Hogeskolen Inlandet: Exploring social policy, inclusive education, and cultural democracy through the lens of Norwegian hip-hop. 7.85 million.
  • Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Minorities: From radical to grassroots: Constructing normalcy through aesthetics in far-right culture. 8000000.
  • Nord University: Appropriating the commons: Articulating the cultural transformation of care and benevolence. 8000000.
  • University of Stavanger: Polarization, influence and identity: Northern populism and the media landscape. 8000000.
  • Netno: Petitions and petitions in a nascent democracy. Norway in the long nineteenth century. 8000000
  • Department of Technology and Security, UiT: Bridging the gap between education and future work: reframing the education and competency model for remote maritime operations (reframe). 8000000
  • Department of Social Research: Missing men: A new conceptual understanding of gender educational choices. 8000000.
  • Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo: Rising to the Challenge: Academic Resilience in Mathematics and Science Among Disadvantaged Students (ARISE) 8,000,000.
  • Nimbu: Valorization of sustainable waste in the aquaculture industry through recycling. 8000000.
  • Akvaplan-Neva AS: Migration crossroads: predicting the dynamics of large vertical migration in a changing environment. 8000000.
  • The Norwegian Institute for Natural Research (NINA) Foundation: Long-term impacts of environmental changes on Arctic seabirds: effects of seasonal distribution and pollution on population dynamics. 7.9 million.
  • Marine Research Institute: Human impacts of climate change and fisheries on the reproductive and offspring performance of high-latitude marine fishes. 8000000
  • Marine Research Institute: Biodiversity in seagrass meadows in northern Europe – drivers, responses and resilience. 8000000.
  • Marine Research Institute: Evaluating spatiotemporal dynamics in the population structure of HERring under climate change. 8000000
  • Marine Research Institute: Kinship-based assessment of Norwegian coastal cod to determine sustainable harvest levels and protect genetic diversity in fisheries. 8000000.
  • University of Oslo: FLUFFY – Fluoride-based Na-ion battery cathodes for stationary energy storage. 8000000.
  • Scientific Energy AS: Multiple storage systems for multiple markets over multiple time horizons. 8000000.
  • Scientific Energy AS: Rethinking zinc air flow batteries for stationary energy storage. 8000000.
  • Scientif AS: Sodium ion batteries for stationary applications in difficult environments. 8000000.
  • University of Oslo: Emerging anode screening process for sodium-based stationary renewable energy storage. 8000000.
  • University in Bergen: EISCAT_3D reconstruction of ionospheric and thermospheric electrodynamics. 8000000.
  • University Center in Svalbard AS: Twilight-like fragments: from remarkable discovery to understanding. 8000000.
  • Arctic University UiT Norway: DynAMIC (Detecting Arctic Sea Ice Mass Anomaly Episodes). 8000000.
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Change the record. Changed on Tuesday at 9.40am: In this case, this was initially announced as a Fripro prize. This is not true, because the aforementioned award is an objective award for young research talents. The Freebro Prize for Young Research Talent will be announced in approximately two weeks.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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